Hi all ...
Here's a series of screenshots taken from a mission "Pearl Harbor" (more or less historical) we played some few weeks ago, in the
squadron LAL : it was epic !
14 pilots flew this mission on P-40.
== Kanehoe Field : 0530 - Sunday, December 7th, 1941 – Ohahu Island ==Our mission goal was to meet the B-17 bombers from group "Bulldog", in transit to Hawaii, and bring them home safely ...
When events rushed suddenly…
Delta group is split into 4 sections ; taxiing started at 5:30 in the morning. It was still dark !

Take Off ...

The planes initiate a turn to the right over the airfield in order to gather everyone.

As soon as they remain sticked together, the four sections fly ahead to the rendez-vous point (the "Bulldogs" have announced their arrival).

Meanwhile, the Japanese strike force composed of units from 6 carriers, en route to Hawaii ...

Pearl Harbor wakes up, the day is pleasant. Honolulu radio broadcasts music ...

B-17 bombers joined by P-40B, are headed for Pearl ...

... The Japanese too!

Pilots apreciate the sunrise, capturing sweet music broadcast by Radio Honolulu ...

Escort of the Japanese strike force fly above the entire strike force.

Activity starts in Pearl Harbor ; a music band walks near the boats ...

... When the attack, sudden and violent, begins ! Kate destroy most of the P-40 lined on the bases of Hickam and Ford, within a few seconds ...
Very few planes will escape from destruction.

B-17 bombers, surprised to be surrounded by so many Japanese planes, attempt a maneuver in order to escape ...

P-40 of Delta group engage all enemy aircrafts in range ... The sky became a vast moving battlefield …

At Pearl Harbor, chaos is everywhere ... Some battleships begin to take shelter, fatally struck by torpedoes and bombs from Kate and Vals ...

In the air, this is war ! Smoking planes fly everywhere ; some damaged P-40 try to reach other airfields (Wheeler, ...).

Several P-40 have secured coverage for B-17...

Some pilots who could join other airfields climb aboard just refueled P-40...

Fighting continues ... Some Japanese pilots will be captured!

Vals maintain pressure over Pearl Harbor ...

Pearl Harbor is in flame ...

P-40 experience different fates ...

Kate bombers, once their attack done, gather and make their way to PA : mission accomplished! Tora! Tora!

Meanwhile, Kanehoe Airfield (home base of the Delta P-40 sections), is within the scope of an enemy raid ...

The Japanese damaged planes become the prey of P-40 pilots who were furious because of this infamous attack ...

After the sky is getting empty, P-40 land one by one ... On ground, this is chaos...

Such a surprise attack will surely not be without consequences... !