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Author Topic: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)  (Read 421259 times)

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Clint Watters

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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #876 on: November 23, 2014, 10:48:38 AM »

I have tried all versions of this mod to get it to work on my install. Nothing does it.

I'm on 4.12 + SAS Modact 5.3 + AI 5.3 + Jetwar 1.33 + SAS Engine mod 2.7

I don't know if I should install 4.09 version for my 4.12 install. or if I should try HSFX or UP. I have tried them all anyway.
I tried both ways using JSGME and MOD folder to use it. It's either I get no sound mod (stock sound playing) or a 100% crash in the mission load, with a very strange graphic problem occuring.
I even followed the step by step by "Drewm3i" but It didn't work as well (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=3258.msg441196#msg441196)

I have noticed for my setup, SAS Engine Mod 2.7 is a real pain in the ass. Excuse my language now, but it really deserves it.
If I rename an effect  folder (gurner FX for example) or a sound folder, and make it load BEFORE Sas Engine, the sounds or effects will take place in game, but it's conflicting most of the time, and results of a game crash. Sometimes deleting the classfiles inside the mod, will help not having a crash. I don't believe this is the right way to do it thought...

Not being able to play with Tiger's sound is quite a pain. Makes me wanna go back to DBW...at least it was working back then.

Has anyone installed Tiger sound mod on a 4.12 install?
Could this person give me a step by step install?

I would appreciate it very much.

Thank you,

Clint W.


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #877 on: November 26, 2014, 06:45:48 PM »

Hello mr. Clint Watters. I do have a working UV3 on my 4.12 MA 5.3. I did exactly as Drewm3i wrote. The only thing I noticed is that UV3 doesn`t work when SAS Engine mod is activated. So, when I fly props, I disengage the engine mod, when I fly jets, I engage it and that`s it...


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #878 on: November 27, 2014, 02:54:27 AM »

Many THX for sharing your "trick" BOYAN, since I don't run 4.12 I was unable to help Clint ...  ;)

I hope Clint (and many other guys) will now be able to use UV3 with 4.12 MA 5.3 ...  :P


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #879 on: November 27, 2014, 03:21:43 AM »

Hi, Clint Watters.

How about Ships and field guns / AAAs firing?

Clint Watters

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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #880 on: November 28, 2014, 04:05:53 PM »

Yeah I've tried disabling SAS Engine Mod. but the game won't launch without it. I'm stuck. I'm pretty sure SAS Engine Mod is conflicting with the classfiles. I have same problems for installing effects, I can't install gurner fx or plutonium without a crash. When I was on DBW, I had Tiger's sound and plutonium effects working perfectly.


Western, the boats weren't firing when I tried. I tried the ground AAA guns (flaks and MG), even vehicules. No problem there.
When I noticed the problem about the ships is when I got this version: https://www.mediafire.com/download/jyi24jnw3jdx78f/TigerUV3.rar (provided by "Tony4mori")
I don't know what's in there. but it worked. Ships are not firing, showing any activity at all. and I noticed, the F3 key makes a zoom in when I hit it. it also gives me the F3 flyby, like it's supposed to.

I have here's a bit of my log when flying over the unfiring ships:

Mission: Can't create chief '4_chief' [class:ships.shipJFC1$USSIowaBB61]

It does that for every ship in the mission. I just had the USS Iowa when I got the log.

Maybe one day I'll understand what's causing me all this trouble :)

Clint W.


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #881 on: January 05, 2015, 09:28:44 AM »

I have been having some problems as well, i installed the "1956 jet era" mod on my 4.12.2m and everything works fine and its a great mod. Adding tiger's soundmod to it worked also with Drewm3i's fix.
It is however impossible for me to load up a game when i have selected the mig-17pf "fresco". It loads untill 100% and it displays an error message after that, when the AI flies the fresco all jetsounds will not be played by any jet ingame and the throttle will start at 0% while the engine doesn't display any fire coming out of the exhaust. I've re-installed both mods and when i disabled the soundmod the fresco works fine and doesn't interfere with anything. In my search trough the thread i haven't found any clue whatsoever as to solving this problem.

Thanks ahead,



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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #882 on: January 05, 2015, 10:54:24 AM »

... UV3 was released in january 2010 and mainly tackles prop AC, and "1956 jet era" had not yet been released ... so no wonder there may be some kind of conflict between the two mods ...

No help is possible if you don't post your log.lst ...  ;)



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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #883 on: January 10, 2015, 10:19:52 AM »

How do you open your .rc file to copy Drewm3l's .rc lines into it? When I double click on it it says, unknown software, is there a software I have to download to let me open it?
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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #884 on: January 10, 2015, 11:28:38 AM »

Take care never attempt to change the name of this file (.rc) !

It can be opened with Windows Notepad...
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saab ja26

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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #885 on: January 14, 2015, 05:42:31 PM »

i got mine to work as soon as I set the landscape detail to perfect. As soon as I did that they worked.
Ryzen 5 2600/Wraith Prism, 32GB RAM, Gigabyte B450 Ds3h RGB, 8gb Radeon RX 580 4TB HDD


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #886 on: January 15, 2015, 02:25:57 AM »

 ... use this setting (bold characters) in your conf.ini:



Also make sure you have this in your sound section:



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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #887 on: January 17, 2015, 04:30:29 PM »

I have found another way to get this sound mod working for 4.12.2. I have downloaded both packs (JSGME and SFS) I placed the SFS files into the SFS_AUTO folder in my main Il2 folder, I put the #_UV3 folder from the 4.09 version (with the buttons file and .rc file removed from it) from the JSGME folder into my #SAS folder and it worked!
I found I didn't have to add lines to the .rc file in STD and I was able to keep the SAS Engine Mod active without problems.

One minor glitch is that I found when any variant of the BF-109 had its engine off, it would play the start up sound in a loop. This can be fixed with my small sound pack I put together. https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,43373.0.html

NOTE I have not been able to get the Flyby sounds working with this method so if someone would be able to figure a way to get them to play witht this method that would be great.

This quick method is what I have used to get it to work, might not be the smartest or best way to get it to work, but it works for me.
Hope it works for anyone else who has problems with the first method to get this sound mod to work.
Bf-109's are incredible.
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