...deleting "-" in front of effects did it for me;
WORKS;using DBW1.71 (with or without HD mod); with the original
410 download FM; have not changed it yet.
My file position is still "_" in front; unchanged, which is early loading as is. Delete/restore QBM.ini in Quicks; try another map.

- original downloaded FM: lost 820m in engagement, gondola deployed, good rate of descent... (1000m to180m ).
- separate download FM-2 410buttonsSAS: works; lost 710m in similar engagement, gondola deployed, slightly slower rate of descent.
( 1000m to 290m ). The plane continued to descend a bit 320m to 290m while catching up speed with the cupola back up.
- difference in final altitude might be due to combat durations...
I have tried all three of the new FMs for 4.09 and in each case the aircraft maintains height until it extends its gun cupola when the height loss starts. As soon as it withdraws the guns it climbs back to its designated altitude.
therefore same in 410 / DBW.