First French bomber in the game

Cockpit is semi similar (based on Pe-2).
- at the ground you can not make out the ventral turret.
- 250m above sea level, you can pull out the turrets (press' Airbrakes "). The speed and stability of the aircraft change!
- As you will notice, 250m above sea level and close to an enemy, both turrets are in position.
Version 1.3
- Some minor bugs fixed
- Added weapons 64x10kg incendiary Bombs
- AI pilot = only in presence of enemy planes : ventral gondola and dorsal turret will automatically activate.
- Manual pilot = it is the player who decides the activation of the gondola, by pressing "AirBrake" key. The turret will automatically activate only in presence of enemy planes.
=========== AIRPLANE 4.09 v1.3========DOWNLOAD =>LeO-451 for 4.09========================================== AIRPLANE 4.10 v1.3========DOWNLOAD =>LeO-451 for 4.10===============================For those who have problem with skins
========= SKIN PATCH =============DOWNLOAD =>SKIN PATCH===============================air.ini
Leo451 air.Leo_451 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
Leo451 Lioré-et-Olivier LeO-451, 1938
# Leo-451
Leo451.default Default
Leo451.0_64x10 64x 10Kg
Leo451.0_64x10INC 64x 10Kg INC
Leo451.1_16x50 16x 50Kg
Leo451.2_6x100 6x 100Kg
Leo451.3_6x100+2x200 6x 100Kg + 2x 200kg
Leo451.4_5x200 5x 200kg
Leo451.5_7x200 5x 200kg + 2x 200kg
Leo451.6_2x500 2x 500kg
Leo451.7_2x500+2x200 2x 500kg + 2x 200kg
Leo451.none Empty
skin folders:
Leo_451 vehicles.planes.LEOStatic$Leo_451 1
// Self Stationary planes
Description Leo_451
Icon Plane
Class air.Leo_451
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Explode WagonMetal
SAS~Epervier - classes, FM,
& Ranwers
Thanks to:
1C for code
Dreamk - for French bombs
Loku help with some meshes
Lebig - correct of FM