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Author Topic: Gunsight tube fix! ~SOLVED!  (Read 5944 times)

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Gunsight tube fix! ~SOLVED!
« on: February 24, 2013, 05:59:47 AM »

Gentleman,I´m back with a small but annoying problem.

The Japanese A5M4 needs a working Gunsight Tube.So far the situation is,that these tubes are working for the Ki-27/Ki-43/Ki-44

Without a working gunsight,aiming is impossible in this little bird.

I use HSFX6 and the Ki-27/A5M4 repaints by Tyrl


I dont know how many work it is to fix the gunsight,the Ki-27 and the A5M4 have nearly the exact cockpits

I would do it myself,if someone point me in the right direction which files I have to copy & replace from the Ki-27 cockpit.

How it should be:

How the bug looks:

Best regards


Herra Tohtori

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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2013, 08:19:33 AM »

On a related tangent, I would like to ask this question.

Is it possible to make a cockpit mod that completely removes the sights from these planes?

Seriously, they are worthless and I have a feeling a lot of Japanese pilots made a little "field modification" by ripping these sights off from their field of view. I'm fed up with them so badly it isn't even amusing.

Back when you could move your head around the cockpit a bit more freely, I used to just move my head high enough that I could see above the sight. And, I got much better results with free aiming than with the tube sight, because I could actually maintain some situational and positional awareness. But since 4.11 and its stock 6DOF implementation, somehow the pilots are again stuck with very little room to move their heads especially on vertical axis, and they apparently cannot move their heads high enough to look over a ~5 cm diameter tube. Which is kind of strange considering even if you're strapped to a seat, you would usually lean towards the sight and leaning towards the sight would lower your head quite significantly, so it would actually make sense that the "default" head position would be significantly higher than the sight visual axis. But then again, every plane in IL-2 seems to be flown with midgets that can hardly see over the cowling at default head position.


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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 09:48:02 AM »

Is it possible to make a cockpit mod that completely removes the sights from these planes?
While it would be possible, it'd be a slightly tedious job since for each and every cockpit affected either the regarding meshes would have to be set hidden in the Cockpit's hier.him or java code respectively, either of the two.
A list of planes where this would be feasible would help a potential modder to get along with results quickly.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 01:24:12 AM »

Hi. I want to repeat my question.Is it Possible to make "simple fix" for the A5M4 Gunsight? For the Time period from 38-41 this Tube sights on the Mitsubishi´s was Historical correct.


Herra Tohtori

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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2013, 02:12:53 AM »

It looks like the crosshair in front of the sight is just a texture. If so, fixing it should be a reasonably simple texture modification - just find the texture that has the black static cross sight, and manipulate the alpha channel so that the cross goes away.

Of course, finding the correct texture may well be the most difficult part of it. If you can find it, I can take a look at it but I unfortunately don't have the time and motivation to scour through the SFS files in search for the correct texture...


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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 12:14:04 PM »

Thanks for the reply Herra,

This bug shows only in the Tyrl´s cockpit repaint. The A5M4 is flyable in HSFX by default,but uses the KI-27 Cockpit with the working gunsight.

So,there should be no need for a search in the SfS files. I´ve posted the link to Tyrl´s cockpit already in the opening post.If you like,have a look at it maybee you can find the needed folder an do the fixes.

Many thanks in advance  ;)

Herra Tohtori

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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 12:59:34 PM »

Ah. I see what you mean now, the view is not going into tube sight view at all.

I thought you meant just the fact that there's a black crosshair on the lens texture (which is not where a crosshair actually exists).

Unfortunately I'm unable to help further, as I have no idea what controls the sight mode and how to fix it. I tried removing the black crosshair from the lens texture, and it works - however the actual gunsight reticle in the telescope sight is not centered and it makes aiming practically impossible anyway.

I also discovered that apparently these textures don't have a full alpha channel but instead either a part of texture is completely transparent, or completely opaque, which is inconvenient because it basically makes it impossible to do any alpha blending (which would be useful, for example, for adding reflections to the lens texture...) so you're stuck with either completely opaque lens with an image of what you would see down the sight, or completely transparent lens which looks fairly unrealistic and silly.

Additionally the A5M gunsight has a 3D bug which makes a part of the gunsight visible through the telescope's viewport. I have no ability to fix these things.


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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2013, 11:55:16 AM »

far as i remember, that was done intentionally with tyrl's repaint, so that you could still use the gunsight without losing spatial awareness.
i would suggest fiddling a bit, if you don't want to lose the cockpit repaint, just try and remove the gunsight files, so that it loads the stock sight.
no guarantee it'll work, but worth a try, surely?
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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2013, 09:19:56 AM »

Ok...I give up.  :-[

I´m unable to find the right files for the Gunsight..
I know this bird is not very popular, but I hope that is a more talented user out there and can solve this bug. Atm,the A5M4 with a repainted cockpit is unusable for all players.


Stefan SG

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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2013, 01:39:23 AM »

Dear Semor,

Unfortunatelly I cannot find Yr link. Let mw ask You to repost it. Many thanks in advance.

Ah. I see what you mean now, the view is not going into tube sight view at all.

I thought you meant just the fact that there's a black crosshair on the lens texture (which is not where a crosshair actually exists).

Unfortunately I'm unable to help further, as I have no idea what controls the sight mode and how to fix it. I tried removing the black crosshair from the lens texture, and it works - however the actual gunsight reticle in the telescope sight is not centered and it makes aiming practically impossible anyway.

I also discovered that apparently these textures don't have a full alpha channel but instead either a part of texture is completely transparent, or completely opaque, which is inconvenient because it basically makes it impossible to do any alpha blending (which would be useful, for example, for adding reflections to the lens texture...) so you're stuck with either completely opaque lens with an image of what you would see down the sight, or completely transparent lens which looks fairly unrealistic and silly.

Additionally the A5M gunsight has a 3D bug which makes a part of the gunsight visible through the telescope's viewport. I have no ability to fix these things.

Stefan SG

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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2013, 01:20:41 AM »

Dear Bonez, Thank You, but unfortunatelly it doesn't help. I spent enough time trying to solve this problem combinating meshes etc and finally concluded that problems with gunsight tubes in 4.11 are in class files. Same time I extracted class files from HSFX 6.0, but Tyrl's cockpit doesn't work with them.


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Re: Gunsight tube fix!
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2013, 02:29:55 AM »

Finally, there´s a solution for this annoying bug!!

With the permission from Stefan,here are the needed files.


 It´s a standalone mod.The A5M4 is already flyable with HSFX6 & Modact 5.2. Simple copy the Extracted files into your Mod directory and have fun!

Thanks to Stefan!!
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