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Author Topic: Debrief screen and objects destroyed  (Read 1600 times)

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Debrief screen and objects destroyed
« on: March 13, 2013, 03:47:04 PM »

I wonder if it may be possible to add further objects to the destroyed list at the mission debrief screen please.

I think at the moment we have static planes, tanks, artillery, trucks, and ships. It would be great if further things could be added, thinking of factories, railway stations, oil tanks, port facilities, residential buildings.

It would add to the immersion when playing bomber missions.




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Re: Debrief screen and objects destroyed
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 11:11:41 PM »

i think it would be way too much work, for very little return.
basically, you're asking for every static object (there are literally thousands) to have the same properties as a 'technics' object, thus it would require thousands of new classfiles, and a whole ton of work.
honestly, i don't see it happening - and if it does, it will very likely slow most games to a crawl from the sheer number of extra classfiles, and so on.
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Re: Debrief screen and objects destroyed
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2013, 03:23:59 PM »

I am tired of seeing markings of planes, trains and automobiles.

I just want to see a final tally of how many old bag ladies and rabbits I shot in the game.
Old ladies crossing the road are worth 50 points!!   ;D

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Re: Debrief screen and objects destroyed
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2013, 03:53:58 PM »

LOL!  You get more points if you hit the old bag lady with the door of a P-39!

I understand what the original requester wants.... I usually make a quick mission using the Okinawa map, my P-47 vs. 2 zeros..... I shoot them down... And usually hit the 9 oil tanks with my remaining ammo... I feel like I devastated the airbase because I destroyed a large part of their oil/fuel.... But the debrief says I only destroyed 2 zeros.

It would be a huge endevor to add EVERY squirrel and bag lady to the debrief screen... But maybe it wouldn't be so bad to add obvious and important objects like fuel tanks and warehouses.


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Re: Debrief screen and objects destroyed
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2013, 04:12:31 PM »

Yes, I am only joking around  ;D  I let the old ladies cross the road. I respect them
because they make some great chocolate cookies.

But I agree with what Malone has posted and his view. It would require tons
of new re-writing the stuff into the game and most likely slow it a bit down.
unless , there could be just ONE thing created (for example - a small red barrel) object ,
and that object is placed inside a hangar or a special house (an enemy headquarters for example)
or some special truck vehicle or some other objects. Placed inside or near the door entrance.
Whenever an aircraft destroys these objects and destroys the "red-Barrel" ,
the player could get "Points" or some special award/medal on that mission.

Any other object house or hangar the player destroyed does not count because it
was not necessary. Only the ones that the "red barrel" was placed inside or placed outside the door, because those hangars, or houses, or train stations, contained something that was worth
special to the enemy.

These red-barrels (worth points ~or a medal) could be placed around the maps and city maps and
any fighters flying over the city and notices a red barrel, will know that is where he should attack.

Just an idea.
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Re: Debrief screen and objects destroyed
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2013, 04:36:28 PM »

i like max's idea. I JUST this week setup and running HSFX to give it a try, and in the FMB, in stationary objects, there are extra points objects... i havent used them but i wonder if you could place them in or near your target to tally up extra points during your missions by destroying the object, and thus the points object, as Max has stated?

to my knowledge, these do not exist in dbw or modact though...
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Re: Debrief screen and objects destroyed
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2013, 05:39:55 PM »

Doesn't the "Target" Object (e.g. Destroy Ground) with the ability to indicate the % of destruction in order to be successful do the job?
I haven't really researched it so perhaps it just gives you "Mission Success" or "Mission Failed".  Just curious.


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Re: Debrief screen and objects destroyed
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2013, 03:58:44 PM »

Right now the easiest way to do it is to place something inside a building, i.e. a vehicle, artillery piece. I like to place an infantry squad inside buildings, oil tanks, etc. They don't take up too much room and you get a 'positive' destruction message when you hit it. If it's inside a building, the building will likely be destroyed as well. For increased collateral damage, 'train stock car 1' (ammo car), is a good choice.

Good hunting
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