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Author Topic: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL  (Read 40879 times)

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WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« on: March 21, 2013, 02:18:42 PM »

I have had for a long time the feeling that the growing fleet of ww1 aircraft demanded suitable weapons implementa. the fact that its origin was in Frankenplanes resulted in some strange combinations of "ww1-era-looking" planes with at best ww2 guns and bombs, and at worst some strange guns with "interesting" characteristics - so I took myself by the hand, and made some research to find the details of guns, ammo, and bombs. It was not really easy but at last here's the
result: a ww1 weapons pack with 22 guns and 147 bombs (Austro Hungary: 13, UK: 20, France 40, Germany: 29, Italy: 12, Russia: 16, USA: 17)

I also made the suitable java and meshes updates for the ww1 planes already released so you can copy thes update and use this pack without headache. (I didnt not update the initial franken planes are they are too much "unhistorical" but I included update for 3 planes not released to public but as beta to limited forum)

I included in this pack the Le Prieur Rockets by AMT team released with the Camel and the Cooper bomb rack released with the Snipe.

Except for 4 bombs, I succeeded to find detailed trustable drawings with dimensions, weight (and for almost all of them the weight of the explosive and its nature). Remember that some bombs did change, sometimes drastically, along the years while keeping the same name. Most changes occurred in 1918, 1919 and after 1920 - for instance Interwar period French bombs 50kg type A and 10kg PA are different from the same name ww1 bombs. German PuW did evolve throughout the ww1. Another case is Poland - it used late ww1 PuW but also PuW developped in Germany in 1919-21 (German armament industry did continue to function after the armistice !) and also produced its own PuW and even developped original PuW models (5kg and 75 kg for instance)

Remember that most ww1 bombs were under 10kg and with results in accordance - not to speak of the lack of suitable doctrine for the use of air bombs till 1917.

Color of bombs remain an issue - that may be unsolvable in some cases - I went according to information written during ww1 or immediatly after, and used photographs as base in some case - but we all know the problems of the chromatic black and white used before the mid 20s (yellow appears black and such...).
Once again, keep in mind that colors and markings of bombs during the war period were different from 1919 onwards colors and markings (see US bombs for instance).

BTW these bombs bitmaps really need to be improved to look more "metallic" - the forum artists are kindly invited to take a hand in this task  :)

Guns - I succeeded to find the data of guns and their corresponding ammo used in the ww1 period.

BTW I discovered that the caliber variable issue that so troubled other modders is a matter of fact a false issue - Il2 uses a polynomial equation for this variable  (general equation ~ x2/10 - x + 3.6227). Under 20mm this equation curve is almost linear. The adjustments made to individual values under 20mm to "increase

realism" are dwarfed by the magnitude or the error originating in that fact that the data used are from machine guns firing in horizontal fire on land shooting range and

not in a 3D spatial setting - to explain more easily, the Hotchkiss 13.2 of the interwar period when used as a land weapon had a wonderful effective range of more

than 2500m but as a AA weapon of only 1600m. The most important thing in modelling guns in Il2 is to keep internal coherence with the other guns in the game - thisi

has been done for the guns in this pack, and these guns are also coherent with Il2-core weapons in the same range (under 20mm). 

ok so here they are:
Download links

Updated April 22, 2013 with additional guns

ww1 planes armament upgrade.rar

This pack is for SAS Modact with own slot planes
For DBW1916 Vpmedia has made a pack for making DBW1916 installation easier: here it is:
[included in DBW-1916]

After installing the plane updates - always check that the names of the mods folders are the same- , delete the cod and arms subfolders insid these planes folders - if not you'll get entries doubled in the arming screen (just unesthetic - it will not cause other troubles)

BrandPfiel 1kg
Skoda 10kg
Skoda 15kg
Skoda 20kg
Skoda 50kg
TNB 25kg
TNB 60kg
TVB 25kg
Traisen Brand 10kg
Traisen Rauch 14kg
Wollersdorf 12kg Incendiary
Wollersdorf 18kg
Wollersdorf 40kg

Coopers 20lbs MkI
Hales 10lbs
RAF 520lbs MkI
RAF 550lbs MkI
RL 16lbs
RL 50lbs
RL 65lbs
RL 100lbs
RL 112lbs MkV
RL 112lbs MkVII
RL 230lbs RFC
RL 230lbs RNAS
RL 250lbs MkI
Rl 250lbs MkII
RL 336lbs Long
RL 336lbs Short
RL 520lbs MkI
RL 550lbs MkI
RLSN1650lbs MkI
RLSN1650lbs MkII

Aasen Type 1
10kg Type M 1918
10kg Type P 1918
10kg Type PA 1918 with Fuze for Vertical Suspension
10kg Type PA 1918 with Fuze for Horizontal Suspension
50kg Type A 1918
50kg Type DT 1918
100kg Mle 1918
Incendiary CD "Chanard"
Incendiary DV
Gros-Andreau 122mm (Anilite)
Gros-Andreau 155mm (Anilite)
Gros-Andreau 200mm (Anilite)
Gros-Andreau 122mm (MMN)
Gros-Andreau 200mm (MMN)
Le Prieur Rocket
Michelin 75mm Canton Unne Fuze
Michelin 75mm Michelin Fuze
Michelin 115mm
Michelin 115mm Long
Michelin 120mm Incendiary Canton Unne Fuze
Michelin 120mm Incendiary Michelin Fuze
Michelin 155mm
Michelin 155mm Bis
Michelin Flare VM1
Obus75mm Type A
Obus75mm Type C (Canton Unne Fuze)
Obus75mm Type M (Michelin Fuze)
Obus 80mm
Obus 90mm
Obus 90mm Frag
Obus 90mm JL Incendiary
Obus 90mm "moule" late
Obus 90mm "moule" early
Obus 155mm
Obus 155mm (late production - natural metal)
Obus 155mm "Penetration"
Obus 200mm
Obus 268mm
Obus 268mm (post-war yellow paint)

APK 125mm spherical
APK 320mm spherical
Carbonit 5kg Frag
Carbonit 5kg Incendiary
Carbonit 10kg for vertical racks
Carbonit 10kg for horizontal racks
Carbonit 10kg Incendiary
Carbonit 20kg for vertical racks
Carbonit 20kg for horizontal racks
Carbonit 50kg
Carbonit 100kg
Carbonit 300kg
Explosive Bomb 3kg pear shaped
Explosive Bomb 4.5kg spherical
Explosive Bomb 21 kg cylindrical
Goldschmidt 10kg incendiary
Stielhandgranate M17
Stielhandgranate M17 Pack 6+1
PuW 10kg Incendiary
PuW 12.5kg Frag
PuW 12.5kg Sturm Frag
PuW 12.5 kg Night Frag
PuW 50kg
PuW 100kg
PuW 300kg
PuW 1000kg
"Tar and Rope" Incendiary Type 1
"Tar and Rope" Incendiary Type 2
Wurfgranate 15

100mm sperical
130mm spherical
Granata Incendiaria 162mm
Granata Mina 162mm
Granata Torpedina 162mm
Granata Mina 179mm
Granata Torpedina 200mm
Granata Mina 240mm
Granata Mina 260mm Tipo1
Granata Mina 260mm Tipo2
Granata Mina 260mm Tipo3
400mm Anti-Submarine spherical

1 Pud M1914
1 Pud M1915 Frag
1 Pud M1916
2 Pud M1914
2 Pud M1915 Frag
3 Pud M1914
5 Pud M1915
10 Pud M1915
15 Pud M1915
25 Pud M1915
5 Funt M1914
10 Funt M1914
10 Funt M1915 Frag
10 Funt M1916 Incendiary
25 Funt M1914
25 Funt M1915 Frag

17lbs FragMkII
25lbs MkII
50lbs MkIII
100lbs MkI
250lbs MkIVA
300 lbs MkIVC
600lbs MkVC
1000lbs MkVIA
1100lbs MkVIC
Navy 112lbs MkV
Navy 230lbs RFC pattern
Navy 230lbs RNAS pattern
Navy 520lbs MkI
Navy 550lbs MkI
90mm with Michelin fuze
90mm with Gros Andreau key
155mm penetration

Becker 20mm   
Bergman 15mm NA   
Colt M1914   
Fedorov Avtomat   
Fiat M1914   
Hotchkiss 11mm    
Hotchkiss 37mm   
Hotchkiss 47mm
Hotchkiss M1885
Hotchkiss M1909
Parabellum MG14
Puteaux 37mm
Puteaux SMAC
Schwarzlose 07/12
Spandau 08/15
Vickers 11mm
Vickers MkI
Villar Perosa

[I think I will ,in the coming days, also upload meshes for these guns (presently I uploaded only meshes for the Hotchkiss 8mm and 11mm with the SPAD7 update) ]

Armament Update for WW1 planes:
Albatros DIII
Albatros DV
Aviatik CI
Caproni Ca31-32-33
Caproni Ca42
Dirigible M
Fokker DVI
Fokker DVII   Canvas Knight Beta - not released to public
Fokker DVIIF   Canvas Knight Beta - not released to public
Fokker DVIII
Fokker DrI
Fokker EIII
Lohner L / Macchi L1
Nieuport 11
Nieuport 17   Aviaskins Beta - not released to public
Nieuport 17bis   Aviaskins Beta - not released to public
Nieuport 23   Aviaskins Beta - not released to public
Oeffag DIII
Roland DII
Se5 / Se5A
Zeppelin M
Zeppelin P




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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 02:25:21 PM »

...so I took myself by the hand....

now that is kinda disturbing..lol. :D
jokes aside,this looks quite impressive, mate, will check it out asap...
thanks for the work. ;)
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 02:25:57 PM »

That looks amazing DreamK downloading now :)



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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2013, 02:39:42 PM »

After installing the plane updates (always check that the names of the mods folders are the same), delete the cod and arms subfolders insid these planes folders


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 02:58:41 PM »

Ive Put this into a couple of the planes and the Zep and have got to say this is amazing! I love the side mounted bombs on the Avitak. Amassive leap forward in WW1   :)
 Many thanks for this Mod!


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2013, 03:02:32 PM »

Well - WOW! - great job!!!  ;D

THANKS for all your continued efforts!
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2013, 04:45:09 PM »


Somehow I got 60% CTD after instalig this, its not about the air ini, I copyed the new files into the correct aircarft's folder, after that I checked the  cod files and deleted them, right after that I checked the weapons ru and made the modifications, did I miss something?


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2013, 05:32:55 PM »

I get the same issue.


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2013, 05:41:43 PM »

Try to rename the 0_WW1Bombs_ folders in _ww1Bombs_ or AAAww1Bombs_, though a problem with these files would cause a 20% ctd error.
What si possible is that you have installed ALL the update files, including for mods that did not exist previously in your mod folder - this could cause a 60% CTD error.


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2013, 06:07:43 PM »

ok than what should we do about this? I mean that the last option what did you say must be the problem.


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2013, 06:14:52 PM »

I am speechless ...  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G arsenal for WW1 fans everywhere.

THANK YOU so much DreamK. 

This must be tested slowly to see if it all fits in everyones game. Testing takes some time and
we will take time to test!
Do not worry folks, everything will be ok.

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946


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Re: WW1 Weapons Pack Ready to DL
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2013, 07:06:21 PM »

Try to rename the 0_WW1Bombs_ folders in _ww1Bombs_ or AAAww1Bombs_, though a problem with these files would cause a 20% ctd error.
What si possible is that you have installed ALL the update files, including for mods that did not exist previously in your mod folder - this could cause a 60% CTD error.
sorry i have the same problem, although i have no idea what you mean by "you have installed ALL the update files, including for mods that did not exist previously in your mod folder - this could cause a 60% CTD error."
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