It's almost time for a new map. This one will be another fantasy map, but instead of palm trees and adventures in paradise, this one is set in the northern seas, with dark, dense pine forests and forbidding coastlines.
The map is just about finished. There is little work left, except for the bane of map-makers - the large cities. The screenshots are mostly of landscapes. They were made during the early stages of the map making, but in the meantime the map will be adequately, if not densely, populated. The map will also feature many 2048 textures - all new. There are at least 10 of these in use, which means almost 50% of the slots are in 2048. The difference in visuals is very marked.
Here are a few screenshots to give you an idea of the landscapes. While being in a fantasy configuration with whimsical names, the land and islands are naturally based on actual places on Earth. The islands are mainly from the Kuriles, volcanoes and all. The landmasses are from somewhere along the coast of Iran, but inverted or flipped and of course given a completely different landscape.
link for download here:,33644.0.html