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Author Topic: Any post war silver skins for Spit IV, or a USAF P-61 skin?  (Read 2223 times)

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Any post war silver skins for Spit IV, or a USAF P-61 skin?
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:17:36 AM »

I MEAN MKXIV.....or 14. I need a basic post war silver skin with post war roundels, and just a small serial number for a post war East/West cmpn Im upgrading to HSFX and DBW. I was using this skin to simulate the RAF Griffon engine spits that were stationed in the occupation forces (and flown by Aussie pilots). Note the painted bulgle on the engine (a great skin).

Does anyone know if anything like these already exists for the Mk14?

Originally they had these wartime roundels, but they were replaced by the late war roundels by 48 methinks, the time of the project Im doing.

Here's another shot of the skin I was using on the Mk9. Note the USAF skins on the B-29s.

I know I could use the Mk16 bubble canopy, but there were also many razor back type griffon spits, but they were later models I think. I prefer to use the griffon, since that is more historically accurate for the time.

I also looking for a Post war USAF P-61 (F-61) skin with the post 47 insignia on it, and a small red USAF on the booms. An existing skin would do (wth permission of course) with just those added, as they play a major role, beign heavily used as both night and day interceptors along with F-51s since they had radar.

This is one variation, though they usually had USAF on the boom in front of the serial, but the US Air Force looks ok above the number. Don't really need a squadron insignia or a nose number, but this is just a general idea.

Another with a red number on the nose.

Here's another one, wiht the serial number where I'd prefer it, and a unit ID number on the boom where I would prefer USAF in similar sized red letters, as I've seen some like that. Whatever is easier. Like I said, I'd be happy wiht a current skin with the stripe added to the insignia bar and USAF in small letters on the boom. Has anyone seen any like that? It's the only two left of many skins that I'm using and many that were made for the cmpn a couple of yrs ago.

Anyway, thanx.



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Re: Any post war silver skins for Spit IV, or a USAF P-61 skin?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2013, 03:03:26 PM »

I can do an F-61 for you.  In exchange do you know where any Korea mission templates are?  I want to make an F-82 campaign


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Re: Any post war silver skins for Spit IV, or a USAF P-61 skin?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2013, 08:17:18 PM »

I did dnload a korea cmpn, but it was never tested so it wouldn't work worth a crap. Any templates it made are worthless.

These should be some more Korea stuff here someplace. Have you checked the dnloads, especially at M4T?

I managed to put the red stripes in the post 47 insignia, but I can't do crap aboiut numbering or USAF etc.I can send you the basic skin I added the stripes to if you want.

 I'm checking for some Korea stuff.


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Re: Any post war silver skins for Spit IV, or a USAF P-61 skin?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2013, 09:15:02 PM »

OMG ! wow, I didn't know. Been busy a few days. THANX (eagerly sucks them up.....). And the ones wiht the colorful cowlings.  :P

Man, htat's a load of very well done skins!! I am very impressed. I gotta crank this thing up and just see how they look, even though I dont' have time, I will make time. You have filled a very large need, as the 61 was in service for a good while, as My late Dad was scrambling them in broad daylight along with F-51s into late 48 (his 4 yr enlistment ended in jan 49).

THey had radar and went after Soviet recon planes like Tu-4s and the occaisional jet that they didn't know what they were. The F-89 was designed to replace it.  I just wish some of his pix of those adn the Aussie Spits survived. Some of the 51s did. You really went into some detail. Woo.

I do a bit of work in the FMB, if you need me to make some bases or such on a map, I can put a high priority on that. I've used some pix of bases of the time to try and make them as accurate as I can, like those white houses that fit well on USAF bases. I try to populate such with a decent variety of objects without slowing it down, as its' not the number of objects that slow the FR so much, but it's the number of TYPES of objects that tries to gag it some. I can send you a couple of my 1948 misns in Kyushu based on my Dad's adventures (in a parallel universe where the cold war goes hot). They have some good bases on Kyushu and that island to the NW. Ive got some of the older misns that havent been upgraded to HSFX or DBW yet (in 409) that also have a couple of the southern bases built to. Just lemme know.


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Re: Any post war silver skins for Spit IV, or a USAF P-61 skin?
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2013, 10:10:11 PM »

OK, dumb question. For some reason in HSFX, they don't seem to be designed for the P-61, though I know htey are. It will be tmorrow bewfore I can post a screen of them. I tried them with the HD mod activated and not activated, but they are all over the plane. I have apparently not downloaded some upgrade somewhere.

Any idea why Im getting this result? Gotta be something I've left out someplace.

EDIT: OK, I didn't realize that DBW and HSFX used different variations of the P-61s. They look great on DBW 61s. I guess ill use them in the DBW version of the cmpn. I had no idea there was a difference, but I guess I should have known that.  :P
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