Hello guys

As the much-anticipated UP 3.1 version is getting close for the release, i owe you an insight view of it.
The main development has ended and all the code-related issues/bugs have been resolved, even bugs that plagued UP for years, like the co-op logging that has been fixed by my good old friend |ZUTI| of course.
The UP 3.1 has undergone a thorough Planelist consolidation with more or less 50 planes removed and more than 20 new/unique and updated have been added to it.
It features mods like the Gear Damage mod by Crazyflak along with some merged ones like 2 very popular and featured sound addons, currently only in UP these 2 have been merged, by |ZUTI|

Moreover it has all the newest 3d updates and planes like B-26, Claymore's FW-190 pack, Crazyflak's new Me-210 and Me-410 pack, P-40 pack by Anto and AMT, etc..
New maps and re-textured ones plus new objects have been incorporated by Boomer,

The UP 3.1 has the Flight Models from UP 2.01 for the Spits, FWs, Bfs, Typhoons, etc... The Flight Models that so many people have missed,

Of course the Plutonium effects are "in" and merged with MDS for awesome effects plus the previous addons like the hotkeys, bombbaydoos, carrier takeoff, and the most comprehensive and complete weapons addon, that offers unparallel quality and has been developed after 1000s of hours researching and, especially, testing.....
Don't forget the AWESOME AI triggers addon by, Lutz (who else?

) thathave been integrated correctly this time and a small video has been made so you can see. Perhaps some more teasers will follow like the Sound Effects of UP and MDS features.
Talking about MDS, it has reached the Rock-Solid 1.2.8 Version featuring all the previous features plus more.
And finally the error that plagued UP, the coop logging, has been fixed by ZUTI as i stated above.
Now lets see the AI TRIGGERS addon "teaser", description and video

Triggers are used for AIs take off. Relevant AIs must be present on airfield at the start of
the mission.
Three types of triggers can be used
Delay: AIs take off after x minutes following the start of the mission
Zone: AIs take off when defined aircrafts (humans or AIs) enter inside a specified
Clone: AIs take off when other AIs (submitted to zone or delay triggers) are in flight (take off completed).
Triggers set upOpen FMB, create mission and save it
using notepad (for example) open *.mis file
A topic [AOC_Trigger] will be present (generally at the end of the file). This topic must be
used, by adding lines, for triggers programming.
Short reminder before starting
A topic [Wing] is present in the *.mis file and show planes used in the mission, ie:
g0120In this example, g0100 is a human Bf109, g0101 are 4 AIs bf110, g0112 is 1 AI Storch,
g0113 are 4 AIs Ju87, USA0100 are 4 AIs B24 and g0120 are 4 AIs Fw190?
A) Delay programmingSyntax to be used is the following:
<AI ID><space (mandatory>
<key word « Delay »><séparator «:» (mandatory)><duration in minute>
ie: if Bb110 (g0101) have to take off, 2 minutes after starting of mission, add line:
g0101 delay:2
B) Zone programmingFirst, zone have to be defined using following format:
<zone ID><space (mandatory
<center zone along X (in meter)><space (mandatory)>
<center zone along Y (in meter)><space (mandatory)>
<zone length along X (in meter)><space (mandatory>
<zone width along Y (in meter)><space (mandatory>
<mini height (in meter><space (mandatory)>
<max height (in meter)>zone ID : key word « zone » followed by a number (0, 1, 2, ?) without space. Number of
the first zone must be 0, then, for other zones, add 1 to previous zone.
ie: 2 zones are defined in following lines:
zone0 55080 77300 20000 5000 500 8000
zone1 140600 62500 10000 25000 100 2000Then, AIs have to be encoded.
For each AI, following format must be used:
<AI ID><space (mandatory)>
<zone ID><séparator «:» (mandatory)>
<aircraft ID used for triggering> (*)(*) must be human or AI aircraft. If only one aircraft fulfils condition, trigger is active.
ie: for previous 4 Ju87 (g0113) take off if Storch (g0112) enter in zone (volume) 1. The line
to be added is the following:
g0113 Zone1:g0112C) CloneSyntax is the following:
<AI ID><space (mandatory)>
<key word «clone»>
<separator «:»>
<AI ID >ie : Previous Fw 190 (g0120) take off when Ju87 (g0113) take off (means that Ju87
condition for take off is OK). Following line has to be added:
g0120 clone:g0113D) NoteIt is possible to group, for a same AI, several conditions. If one condition is OK, AI take
ie: Fw 190 (g0120) take off either:
15 minutes after start of mission,
or B24 (usa0100) enter in zone0
or when Ju87 (g0113) take off Following line has to be added:
g0120 delay:15 zone0:usa0100 clone:g0113For this short example, following lines have been added to [AOC_Trigger] topic:
zone0 55080 77300 20000 5000 500 8000
zone1 140600 62500 10000 25000 100 2000
g0101 Delay:2
g0113 Zone1:g0112
g0120 delay:15 zone0:usa0100 clone:g0113Take care about the format: no syntax or logical controls have been implemented, so an
error can carry an FB crash?The
AI Triggers along with
MDS will transform Completely the Co-Ops and the DF Server Missions as they are valid for BOTH Human and AI players

Lets say a team of Human Bombers enter a section to Bomb a Factory then AI scrambles from nearby airfield to intercept them, etc... The options are endless!.
And now check the AI Triggers mission that described above as i recorded it

Me and the rest of the UP Team want to thank ALL of the people who had FAITH to us and understood that sometimes Real Life HAS to take its toll.
Again, a BIG THANKS to ALL of you!
And i would like also to say a big Thank You! to the people who took over development when i was away, KDN, Boomer, MANYSH, Beeps, =Nik=, and of course to AJD-NZ, ZUTI, Lutz, Birdman and the rest of the guys at UP 