There was the Zeppelin and then there was the Heinkel..."Dark Bomber" is once again making its first steps and spreads its wings in Chinese and Spanish Skies

Download link (
including update 10/5/13): no 2 the main download archive then copy over these files:
They include:
1)changes in FM (torque at take off corrected, better centering of the plane, deploiement of turrets now reduce speed by 60-70kmh as in historical data)
2) Turrets are now deployed by pressing the keys for "open/close cokpit" - they induce a drag when in flight, without impeding the take off performances.
3) corrected meshes for exhausts He111B and front couple windows "overpainted"
He_111A air.He_111A 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
He_111B air.He_111B 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
He_111E air.He_111E 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
He_111A He111A-0, 1936
He_111B He111B-2, 1937
He_111E He111E-1, 1938
# He_111A
He_111A.default Default
He_111A.16xSC50 16 SC50
He_111A.4xSC250 4 SC250
He_111A.none Empty
# He_111B
He_111BA.default Default
He_111B.24xSC50 24 SC50
He_111B.6xSC250 6 SC250
He_111B.none Empty
# He_111E
He_111E.default Default
He_111E.32xSC50 32 SC50
He_111E.8xSC250 8 SC250
He_111E.none Empty
Original 3dModel, Java Files, FM: Dreamk
Default skin: Agracier
Flight Testing: Real Darko
Quality process: Epervier
Cockpits developped upon the basis of the He111P4 cockpits by YT2
The Bombsight si based upon the original bombsight of the He111 H2 (I found the P4's had some bugs) - don't forget to define your controls (Level stabilizer, bombsights controls etc....) in order to use. Remember that after the shift-F1 you''ll see first the 'empty" lens, then the the reticle will appear after a certain delay)
Update 10/5/13:
Thrust problem corrected (Remember to counter torque on Left for he111A, on right for He111B and E)
Damage props corrected
More appropriate POV from the pilot cockpit (though the view remains bad as it was in the real plane)
CAP meshes enabled (at least I think they are...

Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.
Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.