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Author Topic: FiatBr20 Early/ Br20 Series production/Br20M?br20MLate Ready to DL Update3/7/13  (Read 77048 times)

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Tried them yesterday. They all work very well, except the FiatBr20 / Fiat BR.20, 1938 which cause the mission loading failed, null error.

Will try again later to see the logfile (I did not have the time yesterday).


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well i put them in a 4.12 modact 5.3 with 4.12.2 and used the 4.12 link only and added italian bombs. So the bombardier or wep bay shows but the turrets dont work when c key pressed. any fix?

Stefan SG

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Dear Dsawan,

Turrets have never worked in Fiat Br20 family mod. Neither the one for 4.10 nor the one for 4.09. I mean working gunners because default gunners of 4.10/4.09 don't shoot in 4.12. There are positions of pilot and bombardier only.

Best regards,


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Default gunners (ai) don't work in 4.10 either. At least that's my experience. You can attack a Br20 without fear of being shot.


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I need a working link for arms intalian bombs, as I cannot read russian

Many thanks



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as I cannot read russian

so do most members here.  ;D

Use Google translator please.  ;)
i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;


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link for Italian bombs corrected in first post


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Re: BR20 rework
« Reply #163 on: March 12, 2015, 09:06:57 AM »

Thanks for your work gio and birdman!

I'm having some trouble with the FiatBr20Early. I can't get it's weapon choices to show in the arming screen/fmb/qmb.

Here are the entries I used for weapons.properties:
Code: [Select]
# FiatBr20Early
FiatBr20Early.default            Default (4xBredaSafat 7.7)
FiatBr20Early.2x800T            2x 800kg T
FiatBr20Early.2x500T            2x 500kg T
FiatBr20Early.4x250T            4x 250kg T
FiatBr20Early.4x160AS            4x 160kg AS
FiatBr20Early.12x100T            12x100kg T (Early, Late, Amatol)
FiatBr20Early.1x800+6x100M         1x 800kg T + 6x 100kg M (Early, Late, Amatol)
FiatBr20Early.2x250T+2x100SpE+2x100SpI+2x104M   2x 250kg T + 2x100kg SpE + 2x100kg SpI + 2x 104kg M
FiatBr20Early.8x50T+4x70IP         8x 50kg T (Early, Late) + 4x70kg IP
FiatBr20Early.none            Empty

And the error from the log.lst:
Code: [Select]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Weapon set '12x100T' not registered in air.FiatBr20Early
Anyone else have the same problem?


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Re: Re: BR20 rework
« Reply #164 on: March 12, 2015, 09:16:14 AM »

To clarify, when you installed the original of Dreamk, you also installed the mod "Italian bombs", if it is then you're in trouble because I have no answer to this problem.



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Re: Re: BR20 rework
« Reply #165 on: March 12, 2015, 09:53:27 AM »

Yeah, I installed the bombs. All the other Br20s work just fine and I can select any loadout in the list for them.

Although I also noticed that if I pick the 4x250 loadout that only two drop and the other two are stuck in the bomb bay.

But it'd be great if someone else could confirm these bugs.


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Well I fixed my own problem by editing the class file for the early Br20 and then found that Epervier had fixed it for others back on page 3 in a much easier way - https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34784.msg376641.html#msg376641.

It would be nice to update the first post with a note about the dependency on the WWI weapons mod.


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Restore of the deleted FiatBr20-Early Field Mod ver2
by zip_Comic1 aka Flyer101 aka JoHNy_SpRoCK-X:

Orig posts by zip_Comic 8-Dec-2014:
I would like to submit a 4.10 field mod to the FiatBr20Early......

This original FiatBr20 package is a excellent mod...and I recommend it highly. However, I was getting shot down......my whole flight was getting shot down.

Here is a what I am calling FiatBr20Early Field Mod WIP ver2....

What you get is for the FiatBr20Early aircraft only....heavy caliber, new turret angles, tracking turrets, test skins, and a  bomb load (I am was not getting a bomb load for the early). I have removed the popup action of the top turret and the bottom rear gunner for tracking purposes. the rear access hatch will drop down if enemy is near.

Note: this is just a Field Mod WIP for the FiatBr20Early only.....keep a copy of your entire original FiatBr20 mod and updates in a safe place before installing this field mod. It shouldn't positively or negatively effect any other of the FiatBr20 aircraft in the mod.....but I would use this for the early only ....and do a fresh install if you want a accurately flying other.

Also, this Field mod WIP ver2 only working as of 12/7/2014. The original FiatBr20 download and updates maybe changing or are getting updated. I didn't include a copy of the entire mod....so it is a dynamic environment......should work on the original FiatBr20 Mod and updates Listed in the first post of this thread on or before 12/8/2014.

Lastly, keep the sun off your six o'clock. Even good tracking turrets are blinded.

Works for me under;
4.101m Mega Patch
SAS mod Act 3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 offline
SAS Autodiff 4.111
SAS Arms30's_Italian_Bombs

and second post 8-Dec-2014:
Yes.....animatiion of turrets seems to complicate the targeting.....

It is like the  BAzar scene from indian jones and raiders of the lost arc..........the big dude with the huge sword.....

Best not to swing your weapons around before a fight.........

I tried to investigate the code and class files for the math to give turrets a start point other than zero or 90 ....but..no joy....... I get the turret firing quickest and most accurate...if it  starts from 0, 90, 180, 270....when ever possible.

Aslo, distortion of the  TurretxA_D0 and turreXB_D0 ...... seems to be a problem.......best attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ...or similar normal combination. Historical...yes....but cocking your turrets at angles..........or storing them, pulling out of the holster, and spinning on your finger....before you shoot.....makes for more complex code...which I can't find.

Same with hook locks..... Normal combinations.

Also, new patches and new class files seemed to effect the SM79 in 4.101m......I think.

I am not the last word in code...I just found one avenue that works for me.



For questions, help requests contact via PM:

Flyer101 (aka zip_Comic1)

or (new account of zip_Comic1 aka Flyer101):

i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;
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