This one took a long time - In December 2011, Paul Clawson kindly authorized me to import into Il2 the gorgeous Potez 540 model he created for FSX. Last July, the meshes were ready and Agracier made a first template, then....well real life was really busy this year

and took me out of modding for quite a time time

- but this summer I am back with goodies

- and I decided to add a dedicated cockpit to this long awaited plane - with its strange tandem pilots setting, and real French bitmaps of the period - well if not fully authentic (documentation is rather than scarce) , the cockpit gives a taste of what it was....same for the bombardier cockpit with it Goertz visor, as used in Spain, fully functionnal, but also with the old original "modele 1924" French visor as a backup in case of (this last one not functional, just for the pleasure of the eye and the "atmosphere")

- The cockpit is painted in grey as this was most probably the case, the Zinc Chromate, though possible, became usual at a later date only.
So - here it is:
Paul Clawson: External 3D model
Agracier: Default skin
Dreamk - the rest of the job

Download link:
Potez540.rar version 1.4 link: version includes all the former updates
Update 28/5/13
corrected FM to eliminate the "never landing" bug
Update 30/5/13
the Goertz visor is now acccurate with this update 10/6/13This is a
major update. Potez V1.41) It includes the Lorraine Petrel engined Potez 542, that saw service in Spain - not really an improvement on the Potez 540, as it had worse performances - and the radial Gnome and Rhone engined Potez 543 (almost all the planes of this version were sold to Romania) that had also a modified, enlarged vision, upper gunner turret.
2) The Spanish "locally upgraded" Potez 540 and 542 (the ones who are equipped with "Catalana " bombs, locally produced versions of Soviet bombs) are now equipped with Shkas MGs instead of the Lewis MkII (that still remains the armament of the remaining Potez 540 and 542)
3) The Potez 543 is equipped with Darne machine guns (a standard armament, BTW, on quite a number of Romanian aircraft, as were French bombs).
3) The Potez 540 is equipped with a functionnal Visor STAe modele 1924, the Potez 543 with a functionnal Visor STAE modele A. These visors, developped in ww1, remained the standard bombardier visor till the late 30s - not only in France but in other countries such as Poland and Soviet Union, among others, where they inspired the production of local variants. To aim, check that your are in level flight (your STAe visor includes a functional spirit level), adjust the middle pin (the "pinnule" in French, with the target - the
middle one and not the front one as in the Italian Jozza, itself a developpment of the STAe).
As only direct drop using angle of bomb dropping is currently available in Il2, this visor is quite accurate till 1000m, as described in the original instructions of the STAE visor. Above this height "timed dropping" was used, a kind of real time calibration using a chronometer/reverse chronometer, as the direct method based only upon angle of dropping, resulted in bombs felling increasingly short of the objectives as bomb drop was made from a higher altitudes - but with training you'll know better your visor and will learn how to overcome this shortcoming.
Note that I used the HUDCustomize mod in order to calibrate teh visor, as you need to use the TAS and not teh iAS - even at low altitude, the difference may be quite consistent on certain maps
4) The Bombardier position includes a functional Vion HA83 compass and other cosmetic improvements.
5) The characteristic side fuselage door will close when landing gear retracts (and open when you deploys the landing gear)
6) TGPU bomb racks will display in game (not in the QMB) in accrodance with the selected bomb array (similarly to the Type D and Type F racks)
Note: You need to install (if you have not done it already) the French and Spanish bombs packs to fly these birds
and a supplementary armamanent package:
_Arms_Spain_newest.rar to air.ini:
Potez540 air.Potez540 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
Potez542 air.Potez542 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
Potez542 air.Potez543 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
Potez540 Potez540, 1934
Potez542 Potez542, 1935
Potez543 Potez540, 1936
Potez540.default Default (3x Lewis MkII)
Potez540.12x10kgP 12x 10kg type P
Potez540.8x50kgA 8x 50kg type A
Potez540.32x10kgA 32x 10kg type P
Potez540.4x200kgMod1930+12x10kgP 4x 200kg type 1 + 12x10 kg type P
Potez540.4x250kgCatalana 4x 250kg "catalana"
Potez540.2x500kgCatalana 2x 500kg "catalana"
Potez540.2x500kgMod1930 2x 500kg modele1930
Potez540.none None
Potez542.default Default (3x Lewis MkII)
Potez542.12x10kgP 12x 10kg type P
Potez542.8x50kgA 8x 50kg type A
Potez542.32x10kgA 32x 10kg type P
Potez542.4x200kgMod1930+12x10kgP 4x 200kg type 1 + 12x10 kg type P
Potez542.4x250kgCatalana 4x 250kg "catalana" (Shkas MGs)
Potez542.2x500kgCatalana 2x 500kg "catalana" (Shkas MGs)
Potez542.2x500kgMod1930 2x 500kg modele1930
Potez542.none None
Potez543.default Default (3x Darne Modele 1933)
Potez543.12x10kgP 12x 10kg type P
Potez543.8x50kgA 8x 50kg type A
Potez543.32x10kgA 32x 10kg type P
Potez543.4x200kgMod1930+12x10kgP 4x 200kg type 1 + 12x10 kg type P
Potez543.4x100kgNo1 4x 100kg No1
Potez543.2x500kgNo1 2x 500kg No1
Potez543.2x500kgMod1930 2x 500kg modele1930
Potez543.none None
Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.
Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.
Summer is only beginning......
