Thanks for that chart Wasted, I was landing on external view all the time bc I had no idea how to land this plane (though I'm gonna reposition scoped-out POV in config files anyway, it's to low for me) I won't bc I can't do it this way... NVM, I figured that out, although Fishbed cockpit doesn't have much space for such changes.
EDIT: Some bug reports, hope they'll be somehow useful:
1. Artificial horizon is broken - it shows like 2-3 times smaller pitch than you have (around 55 deg in vertical flight, and 20 deg in 45 deg dive) - that's the only gauge acting wierd besides fuel gauge (empty at 600l), everything else in cockpit works perfectly.
2. If you crash/die/otherwise get destroyed with Alkali missiles attached, your aircraft is still there, as a ghost fireball, that you can still switch to with F2. It's frozen, and doesn't sink, just remains at the position of A/C's destruction. That's not exactly a bug with MiG-21 however, exactly same thing happens with MiG-17PF - it must be a JW 1.3 bug.
3. I'm not sure how to qualify this... I set mission in QMB to scramble, Crimea, Russian site, me in MiG-21PFM with 2 RS-2-US Alkali missiles and a droptank, against a franken B-52F... And, you'll never guess... When I started mission, a wooden bridge spawned on top of me. I'm not sure if I'm sane now... ??? Just, you know, a bridge. Without a colision box. It never happened again, even after quiting and reloading the same mission... I have no idea what caused it, I'm actually pretty angry I forgot to make a screenshot(I'll post one if it happens again), since the only use for #3 is for anyone reading this to LOL on this narcotic dream glitch...