tire world!
PS: I don't like MiG-21: it rolls very fast, but in other axes it turns muuuch slower. It's light but it's not as fast as i taught it will be. And the worst thing is that engine overheats right after you leave the runway. I'd rather stay with MiG-19 - flying them is pure pleasure!
Well, my Phantoms will have new meat to hunt for:D
I can kill anything in this game in MiG-21 without much problem. As for FM it was verified and proved by real former soviet pilots.
I read post you mentioned and after that I was able to get plane down in a one piece. that landing was my one of the first landings I have done from cockpit view. Someone said that in touchdown your speed must be rather 280 than 300 I have made my landings at speed of 280 and I fail almost every time so should my speed be lower than 280 well I am learning little by little
Well you can be faster a bit, like 300 or 310 even, but that is not the point. The point is to be sure that
descend speed is not more then 7 m/s and to make so, you need to start your descend
at distance of 4km from the runway edge at 300m of height.if you full fill this criteria, believe me, you will be really surprised how it is. I am saying, because first I was landing it just as you do, but then got the right instructions.
As for Mirage III I don't know. Better as Vega, but as from what I remember java and flight model was more or less finished only 3d part left, so if there is anyone that want to help with 3d, please PM me.