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Author Topic: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.1 + Vegas V2.1  (Read 207134 times)

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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #372 on: June 11, 2013, 05:41:11 AM »

I found out that the most crucial thing about landing is not to have flaps set over 45 deg (it says 44.5 in the readme), and to have power set at least at 45% (export variant, 50% sps able variant). Also, apply that airbrake carefully, and dont turn sps off prior to touchdown, as i crashed every time as i attempted to do so. If something doesnt seem right, circle and try again; it turns into a projectile suddenly if misoperated, and there is no recovery.

And for extra sweat, get yourself in a fight over that great salt desert with some pakistani migs 19; to come in for a landing on your last vapours of fuel....

Thx again for this miraculous plane.



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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #373 on: June 11, 2013, 06:16:43 AM »

Actually, flaps need to be set to 45 degrees. With SPS on, this will generate maximum lift. All you need to do is use your thrust to maintain rate of descent. I typically uses up to 60% thrust, fly the MiG-21 onto the runway, then knock thrust right back before hitting the airbrakes and landing chute


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #374 on: June 11, 2013, 09:16:03 AM »

its not difficult with the 1964 and 65 mig-21 version, but land the 1961 version is the hardest thing, I can land with the Me-262 V3 much better, and It's quite a big adventure too.


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #375 on: June 11, 2013, 10:38:42 AM »

A question on the mig-21bis and mf. Hen they are realized will they be part of these aircraft downloads/topic or in a completely separate release

Il2 crazy fan

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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #376 on: June 11, 2013, 01:35:58 PM »

we need a MiG 21-93 Bison :P


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #377 on: June 11, 2013, 02:20:19 PM »

Not so self destructive landing as previous

Better isn't it

I managed also to land with no bump so I am getting better and better :)

Way to go!

very nice landing. D you have TrackIR or you using some 6dof mod?

I am using benitomuso mouse 6dof mod and it works very good for me, but I think flying MiG-21 with true TrackIR would be much easier.

I have Thrustmaster X HOTAS and I am the axis on the throttle handle (that is intended for yaw control) for moving head left-right, very useful thing I must say.

Hangman, what joystick do you have?


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #378 on: June 11, 2013, 02:41:37 PM »

PS: I don't like MiG-21: it rolls very fast, but in other axes it turns muuuch slower. It's light but it's not as fast as i taught it will be. And the worst thing is that engine overheats right after you leave the runway. I'd rather stay with MiG-19 - flying them is pure pleasure!
Well, my Phantoms will have new meat to hunt for:D

What? Slow down below Mach 1, it's the most manouverable jet I flew in Il-2, while MiG-19 is one of the least.

Not so self destructive landing as previous

Better isn't it

I managed also to land with no bump so I am getting better and better :)

How did you get this POV angle? I menaged to tweak it a bit by editing root.msh, but not that much.


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #379 on: June 11, 2013, 03:48:46 PM »

Way to go!

very nice landing. D you have TrackIR or you using some 6dof mod?

I am using benitomuso mouse 6dof mod and it works very good for me, but I think flying MiG-21 with true TrackIR would be much easier.

I have Thrustmaster X HOTAS and I am the axis on the throttle handle (that is intended for yaw control) for moving head left-right, very useful thing I must say.

Hangman, what joystick do you have?

Thank's mate I spent whole morning getting grasp of landing with this thing.

Well I would like to see your landing could you put up a video

I am using benitomusos 6dof as you but I also like to have trackir it would be more realistic well maybe some day

I have Saitek X52 pro with rudder pedals


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #380 on: June 11, 2013, 04:16:32 PM »

What? Slow down below Mach 1, it's the most manouverable jet I flew in Il-2, while MiG-19 is one of the least.

Mati.. you doing something wrong...  ;D MiG 19 is one of the deadliest close in dogfighters we have! It can turn and scissor with the best! And three cannons that make short work of anyone who gets in the way. In the turning fight air speed is key... faster is not always better... MiG 19 turns wonderfully if you slow a bit.. then, use your powerful afterburn to close the gap. Then its weapons free.. GunsGunsGuns!

... and MiG 21 is awesome too... just always keep your exit route handy... two missiles is maybe one kill... the gun pod stays empty...  ;D but its a dream to fly... so much power!

cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #381 on: June 12, 2013, 11:01:19 AM »

  PS: I don't like MiG-21: it rolls very fast, but in other axes it turns muuuch slower. It's light but it's not as fast as i taught it will be. And the worst thing is that engine overheats right after you leave the runway. I'd rather stay with MiG-19 - flying them is pure pleasure!
    Well, my Phantoms will have new meat to hunt for:D

What? Slow down below Mach 1, it's the most manouverable jet I flew in Il-2, while MiG-19 is one of the least.

But in MiG-19 you just pull the stick to the end and it turns without blackouts, stalls and concern.
In mig-21 you need to "work" on turning much more.
Mig-15/17 is the worst (especially with 4 rockets) - you need to work full-time as you are constantly on the edge...

I can kill anything in this game in MiG-21 without much problem. As for FM it was verified and proved by real former soviet pilots.
I know its FM is accurate, i just don't like the difference in handling the roll (very fast) and turns (normal).
I just feel like the sensitivity of my joystick axes was diffrent.

But, anyway - i'm starting to like MiG-21

Yet it still can compare to F-4: 110% power, flight against Tu-94, airbrake extended while in combat turn :>
That flying rocket-powered brick gives you fun just like cars and handbrake :D


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #382 on: June 12, 2013, 06:00:52 PM »

Believe me when I say I love this mod and eagerly awaited it like everyone else. It's a stunner. But at the risk of sounding overly picky or unappreciative (which I'm not!) the landing of this beautiful plane is truly the hardest yet for me...and I pride myself on being a good pilot. I could be wrong but it's hard to imagine the Mig21 exploding this easily in real life. There must be a lotta old Soviet cemetarys filled with Fishbed pilots! This plane explodes with the tiniest jolt. I have squeaked this baby in what I knew was a near perfect landing only to have the nosewheel jump a wee bit and BLAM... no mercy. Instead of some broken gear at worst, I blow up like the plane is filled with C and T-Stoff!

Still, from take off to final, this is a joy to fly. It is rapidly becoming my favorite jet (and until now, The Mig 19 was IT for me!) But once its time to bring it home, I seriously consider using autopilot.


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.0
« Reply #383 on: June 12, 2013, 11:37:25 PM »

Landing is indeed very difficult in this aircraft and unfortunately the Il-2 damage code is very unforgiving. I crashed it numerous times but found that you really have to fly it onto the runway. It considers all aircraft to have the same gear strength (which is not true). We as of yet haven't found the code responsible for gear strength but when we do, we'll definitely make some changes to it to prevent these explosions.
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