Thank you guys & sorry for the late reply ! While waiting for the 4.12 version to get modded, another fotoreal Airbase
is almost ready :
Nea Aghialos - VIDEO
Are you going to populate cities?
Well, somewhat like in video for big cities or foto below... To "break" the condesation of the texture that I use for cities,
I also use the surroundings of a standard AirBase texture (Dekeleia Base) inside the city & around of it. As in the foto below
or the coastline in video (further refinment needed there...)

The Map is awesome!
Well, this is the good thing with Jet Era... You may have fotoreal modern textures straight from Google...
Finally, whatever you fly a lot, you get good at it... But for me is more difficult (than landing the heli on board) to land a jet
like in RL, ie. without front wheel hitting down immediately after touch down during landing & let the plane do it by itself by
bleeding it's speed. In video, it's for the first time that I achieve that !... (& the way is, not to chop throttle as soon as your
rear wheels touch down... you chop throttle & start wheel braking after the front wheel settles down...)