Should the sas_sound_01.sfs archive be updated to load the prs and wav files in the new "my_samples", "my_presets" file structure for 4.12?
This consideration per the sas sounds raised my attention given that one log error reported is:
[11:08:34 PM] Tried to load preset my_presets/sounds/weapon.mgun_15_dual.prs but file is not found
and this prs is in the SAS sfs archive.
Hi WindWpn,
It's strange that you see this error log entry since usually it ain't there unless you explicitely enable sound debugging.
Let me try to clarify this: No, there's no need to reflect the "my_samples", "my_presets" folder structure in the SAS Modact. The sounds and presets in the Modact SFS files reflect the basic game folder structure and that's just fine. They overwrite the default game sounds and presets just like it used to be in game versions prior to 4.12.
The "my_samples" and "my_presets" folders are just there for online gameplay on servers which have crt checks enabled, but still set the flag that permits users to use custom sounds and presets. In that case, while the game must not be touched in any other way, the clients still can use their custom sounds and presets from these two distinctive folders.
However even in that case the log line, as stated above, only appears when there's a debug flag set.
This flag per default is unset in the release version of 4.12 (you don't happen to be running a beta or RC version, don't you?).
You can manually set the flag in your conf.ini in the [game] section by setting "DebugSounds=1" (note that by default this value doesn't exist so it defaults to "0").
and the il-2 selector?
It's compatible with any game version.
Sometimes when i minimize the game with the 'Windows key', and then click to enter the game, it shows the presentation screen for some time and then the game CTD.
Sounds interesting, never heard of that before.
In either case you should show us your log.lst and initlog.lst contents when the game crashed, usually there should be something useful in there in case of a CTD.
did you change the effects like the previus Modact, or you left the original 4.12 ones?
"Change the effects like the previus Modact"? Please explain.
Regarding effects this modact is quite like the previous one, it doesn't touch them unless you enable the effects mod in JSGME.
What .mat filename (in #SAS/STS/gui) do I need to use to customize my splash screen?
The mats are defined in the "gui" folder, so you can create you own custom splash screen mod e.g. by placing new mats in a folder like "#SAS/MyNiceCustomSplashScreens/gui".
The mat names are "background<C>.mat" and "wide_background<C>.mat" without locale. "<C>" is a counter value, Modact 5 ships with 15 splash screens integrated (0 through 14) but you can define more if you like. In order to use less than 15 splash screens you have to create dummy ".mat" files since the game will automatically pick up as many splash screens as it can find, so at least 15 are always there.
Best regards - Mike