Nope. I have both the fly and the AI versions put into the DBW-4.10 mod-game.
All the proper ini.lines written down.
Still not appearing in the game.
Perhaps this has to do with the NEW Dornier Do-217K-2 and Do-217-K2 versions which were just released.
I have installed the new 3-d-Models and perhaps this affects this Do-217-M-1 version not showing up in my game.
Perhaps, it does need the original version. I guess that is what's happening.
No problem.
I will have to figure out a solution later on . At the moment I still have to install and fly
a lot of aircraft which I have been missing out.
I spend more time painting aircraft (researching about them in books) and painting skins for you guys and gals and I
have not been modding my game or installing new aircraft. Something I need to do more often.
I am getting left behind the contrails.