Foreword by Tom2:
In coordination with Mark (
SAS~Bombsaway) I like to edit this thread's first post and topic so that new fans and those struggling with maps in modded 4.12 can have a look and get some 1st idea(s).
I cannot speak for 4.12 and HSFX as I do not use the latter atm.
The bottom line for a stock map'd 4.12 install is that it does not come with all the modded IL-2 community objects and textures. You need to add those and atm the one way you can do it is import stuff from
a) SAS~Boomer's object pack, within this very thread
b) From a previous install of comprehensive format like the now older DBW 1.71...a great modpack I recommend to anyone new here despite its age. Find a one in all install package in the Special Aircraft Sercice's Dark Blue World forum section
E.g. the one huge package "Stock 4.07m to DBW 1.71 SuperPack One-Stop Download & Install" by SAS~CirX.,21514.0.htmlc) As I hope in the near future from within an all comprehensive map and objects pack.
The now relevant posts and replies in this thread can be found summarized in replies 10 (#10) and 53 (#53) in this thread, where SAS~Boomer and myself gave tips, on my post the first part is off topic aka dealing with the high resolution mod as side topic. The rest in post #53 sums this very thread up!
Additional info, related to maps and also as basic guidline for map handling in modded IL-2 as follow:
How to install maps, help by SAS~Boomer:
And more,37295.0.htmlHow to report errors correctly related to maps-use a logfile excerpt-this counts for all crashes and bugs in modded IL-2! Report your game version, your Windows operating system, when the crash or problem occoured and post the relevant data of the logfile:
Threads explaining this, and keep in mind what SAS~Storebror wrote in big red letters.

The tool needed, already part of ModAct 5.3!,19308.0.htmlAdditional valuable info on how to use and post logfiles:,39780.0.htmlThis post leads to the two above, but worth reading nevertheless as summary.,13457.0.htmlIf you use a new map, keep in mind it may use the High Resolution True Colour Textures mod, all info on that here, IIRC at the end there is also troubleshooting.,33239.0.htmlThe latest version of this mod:,42744.0.html
Now follows SAS~Bombsaway's original post...

-------------------------------------------------------I would like to have anone that can report any maps that work in 4.12 to list them here.

I have my BTM_Pacific Islands working but I have not tried to save a new mission on it yet. I copied and pasted the map folder, tex folder, all.ini listing and my mission folder from my DBW install. In quick qmb the mission loads but I can tell there are many objects missing so I dont think a mission can be saved on it yet but if you have that map and missions they will work, at least for me they have.
If anyone else can get maps to work please let us know. I am going to try to download Boomer's objects and try to get them in my ModAct5 and see how things go.