Can anyone help me?? I have just installed this new-TFM but I have a 70% crash.
I used a fresh new install of DBW 1.71
I think I've done everything right but apparently ... 
thank you
Take the new clean #DBW and revert to vanilla #DBW and test from there. Then activate each pack in sequence.
I was having the same problem. But first let me explain my situation. The only things that are worse than being stupid, in my case, when doing this New TFM install evolution, is being old and sick also. I was having one devil of a time sorting things out. Unfortunately, I had two different game installs on my HDD. I found that what I was doing was getting mixed up one to the other. I was placing the plain vanilla #DBW in the wrong install, got mixed up on where the SFS files were supposed to be, etc. And, all my downloads go to my desktop, and I was losing track of those also. Well, in my wisdom I got a little program called Folder Colorizer (?) and I proceeded to "color code" my game folders, so that even my 70 yr old eyes could differentiate, I got the #DBW, SFS, New TFM files into their proper places in the proper order, as per Monty27's more than adequate instructions in the first and subsequent posts, and, lo and behold, everything works now. I owe my gratitude to Monty for his help and patience with me. It just kills me when a bunch of folks here in this forum say how good something is, and I have such a struggle getting it to work. But, if I am one thing, I am hard headed, and I will try with you guy's help. Thanks again.