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Author Topic: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod  (Read 22297 times)

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SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« on: January 22, 2010, 07:14:45 AM »

About Tiger33's UV2 soundmod

I post my SAS Tigermod Patch. This will allow you to do a number of things:

Firstly of course, users of all SAS buttons will have complete compatibility with the whole Tiger mod.

The price paid for this: Users of SAS buttons will not hear the "Bi" prs files in multiengined aircraft. This is a practice we (hsfx/sas and up) stopped about a half year ago already. Using a slightly rephased sampleset for the second engine of multiengined planes, will from time to time, and under certain conditions, for some moments, produce nice results, for the cost of virtualy doubling the load on your PC all the time.

The second price is that we used fewer variations of start and stop sounds for the engines. Now, for those worried, understand that these sounds are only the first few seconds of a startup sequence, before even the "spluttering" begins. So, unless you are as anal as boy george, you wont even notice. The patches lifted for this are from the Tiger sets anyway.

Also, you will be able to run the Flyby mod without the rest of the soundpack. I will thus hope that c6 will post somewhere the flyby part seperately for those users who , like me, struggle with these enormous downloads that are 2/3rds stuff we might not want anyway. I have made a patch classfile for the Flyby mod, which will make users of SAS, UP or HSFX buttons and soundmods, able to use the Flyby seperately, with all planes, with no exceptions. This was so easy to do it was almost funny. (so, you know I probably fucked it all up)


How to use:

Use with SAS buttons(online or offline) 4.3 or later.

If you want to use Tiger's Soundmod AND his Flyby Sounds:
Then place the extra prs files in the download's "files" folder, in the corresponding place in the TigerMod. Then Copy the Patch's classfiles in the 0_New Sounds + Flyby folder in MODS, over the corresponding files in Tiger's 0_New Sounds + Flyby folder.

If you only want to use Tiger's Flyby Sounds but with SAS/HSFX/UP SFS soundmods (or custom variations):
DONT install the file's from Tiger's mod that goes into the "Files" folder in your game. Do not install the corresponding extra prs (presets) files in the Patch's files folder.
ONLY install Tiger's 0_New Sounds + Flyby folder in your mods folder, and remove all the classfiles in it (the 123 Hashed files witht he strange names) and replace with the files from this Patch.

This second option will also work for users of HSFX or UP buttons!

Follow other guidelines in Tiger's Readme in both cases, although I found also good results with my old settings in config.ini.
Report errors with the patch in the tech help section. The patch inherits all bugs from the original mod though, so take care with that.

Known issue is that guns are very soft in flyby view, and sometimes at missionstart there may be no sounds, which will come back if you switcvh between views.

Download the SAS Patch for Tiger's mod

Patch2: There is avery annoying bug in the UV2 mod that makes your inside cockpit view return to "normal" after coming backinside the cokpit from a flyby view. Even if you were in "wide" or "close" view before or during the flyby.

This patch fixes that, but is untested, so make back up of your flybys classfiles before using it.

Download FOV bug fix patch

Compatibility and improvements to Tiger's wingfold Sound for users of SAS Buttons:

Tiger included a wingfold Sound in his mod. It is 5 seconds long, and thus, he adjusted the wingfold time of all planes to 5 seconds. We feel thsi was a bit fast, as most planes in the sim has wingfoldtimes of 10 seconds or longer, with only the wildcats and hellcats having 6 or 7 second times.

So I took the sample from tiger, mixed it with some other samples  from him, recompressed, phased and pitched it so it has more balls, and made it 10 seconds long. Then I adjusted the duration of all the wingfolding planes in SAS buttons to 10 seconds, even those such as the Zero, which had not fold time assignment.

Download new Wingfold Sample

Important instructions for installation: This will ONLY work for guys who are using TIgers FlybySOunds and associated classfiles. You dont need his whole mod for this to work, but it wont work without the classfiles (the patches in this thread, in other words).
Simply place the TigerUV2_SAS_10sec_wings folder in your mods folder.

Users of Tiger's whole soundmod can just replace original sample in Tiger's samples folder, with the wing.wav file of their choice.(and you dont need to replace the prs file)

Note: I include 2 variations and a reference example. My default is a stereo file. But there is also a mono file, and the example is the original 5 second sample from Tiger(for comparison). Use the one you prefer for whatever reason and rename it "wing.wav" .
Note that we dont advise using the original sample from Tiger with SAS buttons, as the sample will obviously play for only 5 seconds, while the wingfold operation of any plane with SAS buttons will take 10 to 12 seconds.

You will need SAS Buttons 4.6 or later for this.


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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2010, 10:05:04 AM »

Hi Cirx,

First i want to say a huge thankyou, for making tigers flybys available to me, I fly with a squad that uses UP2.0, so before it was a no no, because it changed the buttons, but thanks to you, i can have just tigers flybys for my pleasure rewatching tracks, have a beer or two on me ;D

After a bit of testing its working absolutly fine, the only thing thats changed from my normal UP sounds (other than the flybys obviously), is that i can no longer hear other planes whiz past me from within the cockpit on close passes, which you can with the default UP sounds, any ideas on how i can change this one thing, if not its not that important, but would be the chery on top of a big fat cake, lol!



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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2010, 02:48:51 PM »

Hi Cirx,

First i want to say a huge thankyou, for making tigers flybys available to me, I fly with a squad that uses UP2.0, so before it was a no no, because it changed the buttons, but thanks to you, i can have just tigers flybys for my pleasure rewatching tracks, have a beer or two on me ;D

After a bit of testing its working absolutly fine, the only thing thats changed from my normal UP sounds (other than the flybys obviously), is that i can no longer hear other planes whiz past me from within the cockpit on close passes, which you can with the default UP sounds, any ideas on how i can change this one thing, if not its not that important, but would be the chery on top of a big fat cake, lol!


I dont know right now. I think that it was a feature of tiger's flyby's and mod, that you would not hear so many outside sounds, and I think he did a pacth for that himself, btu I dont know honestly the answer at the moment.


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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2010, 04:01:53 PM »

ok, thanks CirX.


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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2010, 07:03:52 AM »

I don't understand: for the patch, it must the last SAS buttons or the buttons livred with the UV2 mod?


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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2010, 07:39:31 AM »

use the last SAS buttons


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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2010, 09:51:55 AM »

use the last SAS buttons

OK, but with this button, the bi effect is present... :(


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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2011, 03:14:53 PM »

Sorry for the necromancy but I need to know which files to delete so that i can use this mod with 4.10.

If somebody can PM me the info it would be greatly appreciated and I can finally put the old Victa Easy Start back in the toolshed where it belongs rather than having it masquerade as a Merlin in my Il-2 install.


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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2011, 03:10:08 AM »

Hi mates,

Would it be possible to release here the class files we have to delete to get it works with 4.10 ???

Thanks a lot ;o)



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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2011, 01:05:51 PM »

I've downloaded the jsgme version of the mod several times just to make sure I didn't mess anything up, I do not have sounds for the Avengers with the latest 4.09 buttons 8.6, should I put back some other buttons to get them back?



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Re: SAS Patches for Tiger33's UV2 mod
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2011, 02:09:31 AM »

It would be a great addition to have the Flyby sounds from HSFX 5.0 in UP3. If I remember correctly it was a 'light' version but gives superb flyby sounds.

Is there any way of adding the updated HSFX 5.0 sounds to UP3 ?

Cheers, MP
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