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Author Topic: resizing maps?  (Read 4285 times)

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Re: resizing maps?
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2013, 05:42:00 AM »

hi lulu the start up maps are easy   :D ;)

its the finishing of the map that takes the time  :D ;)

i have multitudes of start up maps just because i enjoy microdem too much   ;)


Yes mate! I ve noticed it! Just playing with microden, I was able to finist the first part of the tutorial with a brand new map, with the  desired size in a couple hours.

I thought  a way to re create accuratelly the roads, rails and rivers, cities locations  and even the boundaries in my map.:
Open map_t or ed_m01 dependign on what i wanted to mark in the map
add a new layer with a map then downing the oppacity a bit.
Adding a new trasnparent layer, mark the things I wanted, then deleting the medium layer.

But.....map doesn t match...I guess is the earth. I mean, a map it s a plane reproduction of a sphere. One of the maps (the microden or the mercator) is streched in the South or the North, depending on wich emisphere it s located. I guess the map, not the microden is stretched.
Is there a way to solve it?
Is there an easiest way to reproduce the roads, railway, rivers accuratelly?

I am fascinated with this thing of making a map. Learning a lot, finding  difficulties, but having a blast!



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Re: resizing maps?
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2013, 06:38:51 PM »

best to make roads in fmb + the jagged style roads the usual in game roads

or do by hand in fmb+ using kevin p's road texture and path texture packs (This is good as can have proper curves and not limited to the jagged style )

or there are some new repaints of the in game roads a recent one by Max The Hit Man a very good track style in game road



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Re: resizing maps?
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2013, 06:09:26 AM »

Becuase of the extension of the map I was thinking in use the map_t to build the roads and railways.
As I am learning all about this, I started a map with a lot of references and a simple road and rail net as Vietnam, circa 1965, from Pleiku in the south to the chinese border, in a small scale.
Is there  a way to overlay a microden map with a mercator map to reproduce boundaries, rails rivers and everything  accuratelly or it s compulsory the "artistic way"???


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Re: resizing maps?
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2013, 07:53:45 PM »

you can change your microdem made ed maps ed_m01.tga  and ed_m02.tga to a suitable map for when you first view the map in fmb

it can be tedious lining up and cropping as you go.

make sure they are the same length and height as your original microdem ed maps.
just make sure your airfields on the coast are not in the ocean directly off the coast.

i've had to re do a current project many times to get this right  :D
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