I know what you mean. I concentrate more on texturing model skins and painting aircraft skins than
concentrate on changing the actual models. To me , they look great as they are. The 3D-model artists already
have done a cool job on them. If I want some changes to them, I repaint them. Some can always be
created to look like something else just by using a few paintbrush strokes and added details.
As for the more complicated stuff, I suggest to contact some of the guys here I most admire and have much more
experience in doing these things to IL-2 maps, like Agracier or UP~Boomer , for example.
They know some very cool stuff and always have great ideas. I have learned much from them.
They are Masters at their craft, but you are also a very great artist and anyone can tell that just by looking at
all the other maps you have already retextured and created in the past. They are superb!
I am sure you will figure out a good way to make those changes you need to see.
If not, do like me, and push all the buttons at the same time! Something is bound to happen!
Perhaps it´s better not to do that. You might push the "Bail-out" button and suddenly your jumping out of
the airplane over enemy territory ! AAAAHAAHAHAH