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Author Topic: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v2.5 (With rear gunner)  (Read 65299 times)

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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2013, 03:16:04 PM »

Ha ha ha ^^ Everyone would have the same experience in his life I think :D


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2013, 11:36:59 AM »

any chance to get it in 4.09 version....Hmm?


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2013, 02:31:11 PM »

Here are a few nice skins for Pete.



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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2013, 09:06:35 AM »

Don't worry, I'll try it. If I understand the mapping @_@ always hard the first time


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2013, 01:31:25 AM »

I just tried this one, thank you, I was impressed by both the plane and your work. Thank you very much.

The cockpit seems perfectly placed up, the 3D seems perfect and the FM interesting. I managed 425 km/h at 1000 m (!!!!) in fact better from what I read everywhere for a 370km/h (230 mph) max speed. Roll rate is excellent, turning radius comparable with many biplane fighters but dive speed in only 440 km/h. In fact it is so efficient that in a quick mission that I tried 4 vs 4 (vs Ms406s) I managed to shoot down one Ms406.

While this in a first glance it seems strange, I noticed that your version (which is not indicated) is in fact the F1M2-K, the trainer version. The 'normal' version F1M2 should have a partly faired rear cockpit (like the one in the drawings of Kopfdorfer), a rear mounted type 92 machine gun and provision for 2 60 kg bombs. All these indicate that the trainer version was lighter, so this performance makes more sense.

Indeed thank you for this interesting part of aviation history that you recreated for us.


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #41 on: July 26, 2013, 03:23:24 AM »

I just tried this one, thank you, I was impressed by both the plane and your work. Thank you very much.

The cockpit seems perfectly placed up, the 3D seems perfect and the FM interesting. I managed 425 km/h at 1000 m (!!!!) in fact better from what I read everywhere for a 370km/h (230 mph) max speed. Roll rate is excellent, turning radius comparable with many biplane fighters but dive speed in only 440 km/h. In fact it is so efficient that in a quick mission that I tried 4 vs 4 (vs Ms406s) I managed to shoot down one Ms406.

While this in a first glance it seems strange, I noticed that your version (which is not indicated) is in fact the F1M2-K, the trainer version. The 'normal' version F1M2 should have a partly faired rear cockpit (like the one in the drawings of Kopfdorfer), a rear mounted type 92 machine gun and provision for 2 60 kg bombs. All these indicate that the trainer version was lighter, so this performance makes more sense.

Indeed thank you for this interesting part of aviation history that you recreated for us.

That seems... interesting. The FM is programmed for a 370 km/h top speed! I don't have a joystick on my laptop, so I couldn't do any useful flight testing before I published.
There's no rear machine gun or bombs yet, but they are on the to-do list, along with a minor 3D fix to the canopies. I haven't fitted a rear turret completely from scratch before, so it may be a while on that one, but the bombs (fingers crossed) should be straightforward.


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #42 on: July 26, 2013, 03:49:44 AM »

... I don't have a joystick on my laptop, so I couldn't do any useful flight testing before I published.

You don't need a joystick to test speed. Just build a simple mission by FMB where your plane flies straight and level at highest settable speed (say 800 km/h) at rated altitude. Then play the mission inside FMB itself by clicking on "Play" and, as soon as simulation starts, hit the Auto Pilot. Switching by CTRL+F1 to full-screen view, you'll benefit of TAS indicator on left side of your screen to check actual top speed. Historical top speed is indeed TAS and not IAS as usually we read on Speed Bar
CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz - RAM: 16,0GB DDR3 @ 799 MHz - MoBo: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8Z77-V LX2 (LGA1155) - Vidcard: 4095 MBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - Screen: EK241Y (1920x1080@75Hz) - Audio: Sennheiser HD 4.50BTNC headset.


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #43 on: July 26, 2013, 04:48:01 AM »

Yes, I did again a test. This plane is difficult to flight straight, due to trimming. In my previous attempt, I did what I use to do with planes that trimm up, that is to let it slide in a shallow climb, then down, and finally fly straight. I had 110% engine power settings.

I tried the same again, with 100% power settings, the top speed was now 410 km/h. Finally, in my third attempt, I tried simply to go at 100% and fly as much as straight as possible. And the top speed was ...370 km/h!! With 110% power the speed was up to 385 km/h.

So most likely, you got it right. This plane is difficult to fly straight, oversensitive like a fighter, so in my previous attempt, after my shallow dive (when I was at almost crash speed, 440 km/h) I was trying not to climb, and after approx one min of 'straight' flight I was actually 20m lower. Obviously it made more of a difference than I thought initially.


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #44 on: August 15, 2013, 08:12:25 AM »

Hi guys

any news of the 4.09 compatibled version?


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2013, 09:10:39 AM »

Hi guys

any news of the 4.09 compatibled version?

I don't remember saying I was going to make one.....


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #46 on: August 15, 2013, 09:43:10 AM »

bertrand,maybe its time to upgrade your IL-2 to a newer Version...Less stress,better gameplay.  ;) :D


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Re: IJN Mitsubishi F1M Type Zero Observation Seaplane v1.01
« Reply #47 on: August 15, 2013, 11:55:59 AM »

There was a song around sometimes ago that say:

'....rebels never die , it's part of life , it's part of us. The end will cease the fire.
And make us accept we tend to lose....'


from a rebel forever!!!
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