New static objects + retextures = Part 6----------------------------------------------
Here is a new package with some retextured skins and some new static objects
for your IL2-1946 game, which also work in all of the IL2+mods game versions.
DOWNLOAD => https://www.mediafire.com/download/j4z4krtl7xr47wo/MAXObjectsandRetexturesPart06_Aug2013.7zSome are brand new objects, so you must add the available static.ini lines into
the game version you are playing. - There is a file inside this package with all the needed new static.ini entries.
Some are repainted objects, so just overwrite the old skin files.
No need for new static.ini lines for these.
If you wish to save the old skins inside the object folder, just write a "-" (minus sign)
in front of the skin. The game will not read or install that particular skin.
Some objects will be placed into already available folders which come with the original game and
also with the IL2+Mods versions. Just so it makes it easier for you to install them into your game.
Just copy them and paste the folders into your game. Use them if you which.
Here is what is inside this new package...
Two new types of Oil wells. These were early types which were made of wood found
all over the world beginning with the first oil-well in 1859 (Drake well, Pennsylvania)
until the late 1930s.
These new folders go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/addobjects/________
Oil_Well_type02 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Oil_Well_type03 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini

Take note = There is no number "
type01" , because that is the already first Oil_well
object created for the IL2-game made by;
Original 3D : DT (YG Tower) + ? (Tower Object) / Assembled 3D : C6_Claymore / DIY : SAS Epervier
A film-screen white-cloth object. Just a test object I am still working on.
The trick here to make an image appear as a movie image at night in the IL2-game is to
place a air-raid spot-light behind a tall building and on the other side of the building
place the white-cloth. The spot-light light glow will make the image show through as if
it is a film being shown at night in your game. Just add people-objects watching the film
for a more complete scene.
This folder goes in here... 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/______________
FilmScreen01 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini

Original used object by Nachprod Murdoc (and Molva ?)
There is also two new retextured WW1 tents.
The Bessonneau and the German tent.
These can also be used as burned and damaged objects for your game maps. I reworked the
damaged skins to look a little better now.
Just add the following lines to your game if you do not have them yet...
... 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/
Bessonneau --- retextured skins - no need for new static.ini if
you have them already.
... 3do/Buildings/England/
WW1tent --- retextured skins - no need for new static.ini if
you have them already
A new Skeleton object !
Good for laying around Pacific island beaches or any battlefields in the world.
This folder go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/Battlefield/_____________
Skeleton01 -- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini

Four (4) new wooden crosses objects. Good for any battlefield scene, including 2 with
wooden props for downed Ww1 pilots.
This folder go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/Battlefield/_____________
WoodCrosses_01 ------- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
WoodCrosses_02 ------- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
WoodCrosses_03prop ----- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
WoodCrosses_04prop ----- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Original used object by Nachprod Murdoc (and Molva ?)
The first in a series of "mapboards" for your airbase scenes.
This folder go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/Battlefield/_____________
MapBoard_01 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini

Original used object by Nachprod Murdoc (and Molva ?)
A selection of retextured old Roman/Greek Ruins for your game maps. This also
includes some old ruins for Aztec/Maya temples in Central America.
These folders go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/Egypt/___________
Egyptfloor_small01 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Egyptfloor_small02 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Aztecfloor_small01 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
AztecRuins1 ----------- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
AztecRuins2 ----------- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
AztecRuins3 ----------- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
AztecRuins4 ----------- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
AztecRuins5 ----------- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
AztecRuins6 ----------- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini

Original pyramid objects by dlv (?)
from Wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HedgeA pack of different objects to create French Hedgerows, often seen around the Normandy landscape
in WW1 and WW2 war years. These bushes have been growing for hundreds of years!
A pack for Winter hedgerows is also provided for your winter landscapes.
I have already lowered each piece so as to fit into the next piece you place next to on the map,
all are at the same height. Just at the right height as the real ones.
If the base floor is flat on your IL2-game maps, then all the object pieces will fit very
nice next to each other to make Hedgerows to separate land around houses and around farm lands.
These can also be used to create fancy old garden designs which can be seen around French
palaces and around the Louvre museum and the Eiffel Tower.
These folders go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/French/_______________
Hedgerow01_1 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_2 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_3 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_4 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_5 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_6 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow02_1 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow02_3 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow02_4 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
winter versions
Hedgerow01_1W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_2W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_3W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_4W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_5W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow01_6W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow02_1W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow02_3W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Hedgerow02_4W ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini

Three (3) new newspaper quiosque as seen in the old days of WW1 and WW2 in city centers and in train stations.
These folders go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/Furniture/______________
NewspaperQuiosque_01 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
NewspaperQuiosque_02 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
NewspaperQuiosque_03 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini

Four (4) new Roman house mosaic floors to place around ruins and old Mediterranean
houses and palaces. These can be seen from the air as you fly by them.
These folders go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/Med/_________________
RomanFloor_big01 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
RomanFloor_big02 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
RomanFloor_big03 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
RomanFloor_big04 ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini

A set of retextured Egyptian pyramid objects which might be already in your game.
If you do not have them, install this pack. If you do have them, just copy and overwrite the
old skins for these new skins. Use them if you wish.
These folders go in here... Mapmods/3do/Buildings/Mideast/_________________
Sphinx -
Keops Pyramid -
Kefren Pyramid -
Mykerinos Pyramid -
Saqqara Pyramid -
Queen Pyramid -
Small Pyramid -
Mastaba --- All retextured skins - no need for new static.ini if you have them already. If you do not have, I have placed
the static.ini entries and complete folder for them all.

Original pyramid objects by dlv (?) from Egyptruins
---------------/-The End-/------------------
Once again I would like to thank personally all the great 3D-Model creators and Artists who have made
these fine objects to make our old IL2-1946 game a much nicer place to visit and to enjoy flying in.
All credits go to the original creators and artists of these fine models.
Thank you all!
IL2-1946 would not be the same cool game without them.
I hope you enjoy them and have a great time.