Hello Alex,
I have a collection (small) of stuff I gathered from SAS and conversations with Avala and Dave0D06..
This is one part of it
- Shallow water is 'produced' by grey (not black) water zones on map_C.tga combined with color RGB 31/31/31 on map_T.tga.
(Edit: Or RGB 30/30/30 for rivers)- On ground of the shallow water a texture gets displayed, when hardwareshader = 1.
This texture is the same,
which is used at color RGB 30/30/30
(edit: water=2) on map_T.tga.
Mostly this texture is used for river coasts (mud, swamp etc.)
and it also disables foam. Never thought about that. Could it be you have an underlying texture there which prevents foam...but even if that is so, foam is not = waves (or is it?), so TBH I have no clue. I think foam is the same effect of waves, but surf lines move and that is what you tried to reach-AFAIK.

Here is some thread info I gathered ..
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35861.48.htmlOnly 2-3 links deal with water and one is identical to the one just posted by Malone!
Here is info I gathered in my MapMaking folder:
Wild sum up of info here:
Credit to Avala and Dave0D06 a.o.
o change the water colour you should change the parameter in load.ini accordingly to your graphic card....
Water = water/PacificWater.tga <<< TEXTURE
WaterColorATI = 0.000 0.155 0.275 <<< COLOR x ATI cards
//WaterColorATI = 0.100 0.175 0.230
WaterColorNV = 0.000 0.155 0.275
//WaterColorNV = 0.100 0.185 0.268 <<< COLOR x NVIDIA cards
I remember that KevinP had written something about it in one of his tutorials (Mapbuilding for beginners V3).
The only line I could find about it is this:
In the Full Mission Builder Water0 is called WATER
Water2 is called CoastRiver
Water3 is called CoastSea
Water1 cannot be applied in the FMB. It has to be painted on map_T.
Still a mystery what it actually does but that must be the reason you can not find it in the load.ini.
By the way, I know that Redko wrote something down in one of his desert repaints a subject called "water painting". To create different shades of blue in ocean water.
Perhaps that got something to do with that.
Just guessing though...

What I see is this in DaveOD06's map:
Water0 = Tooth_Pacific_Textures/water0.tga,-2
Water1 = Tooth_Pacific_Textures/lowland3_fields_shrubs.tga
Water2 = water/BA_Shallows_Wake_A.tga
;Water2 = Tooth_Pacific_Textures/water0.tga
Water3 = Tooth_Pacific_Textures/water3_fields.tga,2
As far as I know water 0 and 1 don't do anything. I guess those are for excellent settings or for Direct X.
For the light blue in the shallows there are two reasons
1.Texture for shallows, which is mostly light blue "Water2 = Avala/benghalli/benghallicoral.tga"
2. Ocean color. It is "0.000 0.155 0.275" So, no red at all (red is adding gray shades to the water), and the green is much lower then the blue. So any textures under the water will be blue. If you switch the places, and green is with the highest values, like "0.000 0.275 0.150" textures will be green. Also the values can go up to 999 so the water can be in very light colors.
You do that by painting it on your map C, if I remember correctly those are the values between 30 and 100 (KevinP's tutorial is very precise and correct on this). And then on your map T you must paint a value for Water2 on those areas already painted on map c (water2 is texture for shallow waters).
So, on map C you show the game where you want shallows, and if you paint it in different shades, you can have very nice and natural effect. With map T you show to the game what texture you want for shallow water, and where exactly.
I hope that this helps,..."
Deep water will have low colour saturation and a corresponding low greyscale value. As the greyscale value rises, the colour saturation increases, giving the appearance of increasingly shallow water. At a greyscale value of approximately 88, surf lines begin to appear, becoming progessively stronger to 140, then fading out at approximately 148, although some water texture effect remains visible up to around 168.
Any greyscale value in map_c below 127 will show as water, overriding any value in map_T, however for values between 128 and 168, any underlying texture in map_T will show through, which can lead to some interesting texture effects. Any value above 168 in map_c, is treated as white and will be regarded as land.
you can create as much depth as you like,
if you use the RGB scale with the water from 0 to 127 the nearer you get to 127 the shallower the water becomes
and the nearer you are to 0 the deeper the water is.
If you want to see where the original water tiles and how the lay on the map,
then convert the sea to land at about 130 on the RGB scale and you can clearly see the 2 textures
this gives you and idea of how you can manipulate them,
once you've made a note of where they are then convert the land back to water and edit away
Also if you put the game to excellent mode and create reefs at about 200 on the RGB scale
then return it back to perfect mode then the land appears as the sea bed and this can be textured.
And also remember,
when you make any changes to your waterways, be sure my_mapC, map_h and map_t are all altered accordingly in synch and then run mapC toolbox and coast align again. A bother, but it helps get good results.
...the 'rivercoast' one; RGB 30/30/30 - , so you can paint it,
whatever you want and all you need is to make every river shallow and keep the ocean deep.
Coast areas will be same color then though.
(Bessarabia example)
Water0 = water/Water.tga
Water1 = water/Water.tga
Water2 = water/rom_CoastLine1.tga
Water3 = water/rom_fields_Beach.tga,2
this is meant for 'hardwareshader = 1' ... only
- Shallow water is 'produced' by grey (not black) water zones on map_C.tga combined with color RGB 31/31/31 on map_T.tga.
- On ground of the shallow water a texture gets displayed, when hardwareshader = 1.
This texture is the same, which is used at color RGB 30/30/30 on map_T.tga.
Mostly this texture is used for river coasts (mud, swamp etc.) and it also disables foam.
- so you cannot really make the shallow water brown color, but paint instead the texture on its ground brown.
- On some Pacific maps they used this methode by painting a greenish texture.
The result is - they have on all rivers foam now, as they couldn't use this ('rivercoast'-)texture to prevent it,
because it would be strangely green on land areas.
Check it on 'Pacific Islands'."
I wanted to investigate on how I get shallows to shine through back then.
Maybe you should try a higher value for the surf lines..
What I saw was the map you used seems to have no dedicated value for water=2?