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Author Topic: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m  (Read 155200 times)

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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #120 on: August 14, 2013, 06:42:09 PM »

"Compatibility list" my arse. This is turning into a friggin' "add-ons for IL-2" database!


What the flying fuck do you guys do with all these planes?  ;D
Fly them and then find fault with them..what did you expect,,, you guys did a fine job,,, my hat goes off to you,, one gripe b29 bombsight.
One plane I haven't seen here is the Duck the single engine biplane with the molded float airframe as seen in the Movie Murphy's War.


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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #121 on: August 14, 2013, 07:03:53 PM »

Well, I'm taking the bull by the horns and starting to add some stuff to this other than the JSGME mods. I have a few questions just to make absolutely sure I'm not gonna f*#k things up.

Background: I'm been using DBW Build 1.71 on v4.10.1 with a few mods for the past two years or so. Lately I've been using the stock v4.12, stock v4.12.1 and this SAS ModAct 5.21 on v4.12.1 with some mods activated through JSGME only. I never used v4.11 or v4.11.1. or ModAct 5.0 on v4.12.

My immediate goal is to try to bring as much of DBW over into this ModAct as possible. I've been using DBW for the past couple of years, have built many, many missions, and would like to try and keep them as they are without having to go back and rework them except to add items to take advantage of the new features in 4.12.1

So, here's my questons:

There is a folder marked SFS_AUTO that I'm led to believe is where you simply paste .sfs files from previous versions. As a policy would it be safe to say that if there are already .sfs files in place in the rootfolder of v4.12.1 or the SFS_AUTO folder I DO NOT replace them with ones from the earlier version? Example: There are sasup_decals.sfs files in both the rootfolder of DBW and the SAS_DBW folder and there is one already in the SFS_AUTO folder.

In the rootfolder of DBW are many sasup_fbdsm.sfs files and up_xxx_xx files. Do I bring them over into the SFS_AUTO folder?

Do I bring all the .sfs files over from the SAS_DBW folder?

If the answer would be shorter what .sfs files should I NOT put into the SFS-AUTO folder?

Thanking all in advance for the help.



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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #122 on: August 15, 2013, 12:09:50 AM »

sfs.files refer to maps, textures, object packs, skin packs, etc. So, make sure you ony transfer those connected with mods you are interested in including in SASModAct 521. First of all, make a back up of your SFS_AUTO folder before pasting over sfs.files. From my own experience, I inadvertedly pasted a wrong sfs.file (see above, my post) and this caused problems with Forgotten Countries mod.
So, in short, make a list of the mods that interest you (especially maps, map textures, objects, etc.) make relevant changes in your .ini files (STD), back up first of course, and paste the sfs. files related to them only


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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #123 on: August 15, 2013, 12:14:34 AM »

one gripe b29 bombsight.
Patched already, see changelog: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,36163.msg396285.html#msg396285

There is a folder marked SFS_AUTO that I'm led to believe is where you simply paste .sfs files from previous versions. As a policy would it be safe to say that if there are already .sfs files in place in the rootfolder of v4.12.1 or the SFS_AUTO folder I DO NOT replace them with ones from the earlier version?
Yes, you can just put the SFS files into SFS_AUTO folder and they will be mounted automatically. That's different from previous mod packs where you had to update your .rc file in order to mount SFS files, this step is obsolete now. Files which do exist in SFS_AUTO folder of Modact 5 should not be overwritten with files from other sources. Most likely they're binary identical anyway, but if they weren't you'd throw outdated content in.

what .sfs files should I NOT put into the SFS-AUTO folder?
No sas_basic*.sfs files.
No *jetwar*.sfs files.
No tigersounds*.sfs files unless you know precise steps to get UV3 working on Modact 5.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #124 on: August 15, 2013, 07:52:57 AM »

cgagan and SAS~Storebror:

Thanks for the replies. That's exactly what I needed.

On an unrelated note:

What happened to the brakes from v4.10.1 - the separate left and right brake pedals in the HOTAS section? I went to set this up just now and they're gone.

edit: I just went back and ran vanilla 4.10.1 and there are no separate brakes so they must have come with DBW somewhere.



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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #125 on: August 15, 2013, 07:59:34 AM »

what .sfs files should I NOT put into the SFS-AUTO folder?
No sas_basic*.sfs files.
No *jetwar*.sfs files.
No tigersounds*.sfs files unless you know precise steps to get UV3 working on Modact 5.

Best regards - Mike

Of note, the sas_basic_50.sfs (modify date 6/16/2013) is required though correct?  When I run without that file, il2 will not load.


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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #126 on: August 15, 2013, 08:34:31 AM »

Of note, the sas_basic_50.sfs (modify date 6/16/2013) is required though correct?  When I run without that file, il2 will not load.

Yes, sorry: When I said "No sas_basic*.sfs files" I meant don't add any "sas_basic*.sfs" to that folder on your own.
"sas_basic_50.sfs" belongs there, it's installed by Modact 5 installer.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #127 on: August 15, 2013, 09:39:47 PM »

I'm hoping to get some tips for reducing in-game pauses in IL2. I'm aware that this is not exactly a new problem - I've done a lot of googling and found (remarkably few) helpful forum posts on this, including the one just a few topics down (at the time of posting) from this one. However my problem seems to be somewhat unusual in that I'm not at all short of memory.

when I play the game after mods install the game hesitates or freezes for very short periods constant hard to play like that any suggestions


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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #128 on: August 18, 2013, 05:26:30 PM »

so no jetwars for 412.1m/modact 5.2 yet ? and looking at the posts above, ,like I found out too,, I had tried numerous combinations to try and get jetwars to work.  8). I at least learnt a good deal about what to use and what not to use lLOL.
not many jets. would the sams work in 5.2 / 4.21.1m..? for FMB ? I can't wait for more goodies. the 5.2 is great !..
big thanks to all involved, very very appreciated.
New Right Arm Amputee, One armed flyer and Longboard surfer, I now swim and paddle in circles .


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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #129 on: August 18, 2013, 11:54:31 PM »

This is a great pack! Thank you!!  ;D

Where are those great intro screen images that are randomized when it starts up?

Better yet, are there links to those images that are in high res?



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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #130 on: August 19, 2013, 03:34:53 AM »

Hi lam,

Thanks for noticing the splash screens. They're the result of a grateful cooperation with two wonderful aviation artists, there's an announcement here:

Please note that we will not provide high res versions of these images. If you appreciate the artwork, please consider buying some of them from their original authors.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
« Reply #131 on: August 19, 2013, 07:48:49 AM »

Related to the splashscreens: Can one get those logos for SAS, UP, Team Daidolos, Il2 1946 etc? I'd like to take one or more of my screen shots and paste these onto it/them if possible

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