Cool screenshots guys and gals. Your skies are always full of adventures!

I enjoy those screenshots
Here is something I have been working on this past week.
A completely new skin-template for my game. It´s for that classic Junkers Ju-52 Transport (
it will also fit the normal version with a few changes)
Check it out...

You notice that too?
It has a big "rejected" stamp on it.... It is no good for me.

There is something about it, that is wrong.
Here is the problem.
I have been looking and studying this aircraft from all angles and going through many books and seeing hundreds of photos.
Our airplane does not look anything like the original. - Not yet.
We already have some very cool looking new wheels and we have a new set of engines, so that is very cool.
There are also some new paratroopers and boxes for it to carry, and some new navigation lights + landing lights. Most excellent!
So, what is still wrong with that screenshot photo?
What is missing? What is wrong with that design?
Lets make a few changes once again to this aircraft.... Let´s go back to the other airplane versions, and see what they look like
with something on it that is different...
Try to guess what it is 

Could it be the new paratrooper uniforms inside the airplane?
No. That is a different thing.


Did you find the differences on these airplanes yet?
I have already changed all my Ju-52´s ...


Did you find the differences on these airplanes yet?
I will post them for you soon.
- Notice = The above posted skins used for these screenshots (and these changes I have made to those skins) are for my personal game only.
The changes to the airplane have to do with its design and construction - not the skins.
If the original creators of the skins decide to re-paint them or post them to fit these changes, it is up to them. I will not make their artwork available anywhere.
- Those original skins are from Imme, VPmedia, and Cheruskerarmin .