Bf-109Z "Zwilling"

Very unusual aircraft. I used as a flying laboratory.
It fills a gap in the genealogy of this remarkable aircraft.
In my opinion even if that plane utilize parts from 109G6 late must have no bulges ower cancelled from set of armament MG-131 mashineguns.
That plane strongly need Repair(FIXME) of 3D to remove gun barrels of Mg131 and nose groows for em.
How I did it, it's to your taste. Tested on version 4.09.
Assembled how it was in real from parts of Bf-109F.From exellent done JapanCats spare parts.
Two textures partly modified was done by Freddy. All improvements can easyly used on every late series 109 with Erla haube and REVI-16 gunsight.
Uzip all to your MODS folder.
If yo do not like photo in cockpit You can edit texture/ otherwice to switch it off
just open with notepad Hier.him file and put // before [Photo]
like that //[photo]
For another version of propellor in archive has another alternative mat with less shining prop disc.
In Bf-109Z folder has archive with original JapanCat version of plane-if you don't need just delete that archive.
Thanks For JapanCat for exellent 3D parts
And Freddy for some textures ideas and inspiration
Download: I forgot 2 textures
HOTFIX just unzip to plane folder in mod Mods\Greifwerke_Bf109Z\3do\Plane Jan 2019: new DL link in the attachment below.