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Author Topic: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*  (Read 83858 times)

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You've been waiting for this for a long time, a much too long time actually.
When we lost all data of a nearly finished Whirlie project from Oceanicwings due to the Christchurch Earthquake in 2011, many of us thought that we'd never see this lovely bird in the skies of IL-2 again.

101tfs proved us to be wrong.
He took the task to start this plane from scratch again and when SAS~Bombsaway had the toughest time of his life and received such a tremendous amount of help from the SAS community, we decided to give this bird a kick and roll it out as soon as possible, dedicated to all the people who supported Mark through this, whether with money or words.

So here it is, the Westland Whirlwind, due to the wider range of possible missions we decided to make it the Mk.II version with bomb racks, the so called "Whirlibomber":


Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 (Mediafire)

DiffFM required! (Included already e.g. in DBW 1.71, Modact 5.x etc.)

For DBW Users Poltava created a great Campaign called "Reaping the Whirlwind":
Campaign Download Link for DBW users: (151 kB)
Mirror 1: "Reaping the Whirlwind" Campaign (Mission4Today)
Mirror 2: "Reaping the Whirlwind" Campaign (Mediafire)

To fly the campaign you have to have the Command and Control Mod installed!

Some Skins for the Whirlie by SAS~Malone:
HD Skins (2048² pixel, needs HD Mod) Download Link (7.2 MB)
5 HD Whirlie Skins Pack (Mediafire)

SD Skins (1024² pixel, no mod required) Download Link (1.3MB)
5 SD Whirlie Skins Pack (Mediafire)

Whirlie Template by SAS~Malone:
Template Download Link (7.2 MB)
Whirlie Template (Mediafire)

Readme including installation instructions and credits:
Code: [Select]
*                                   Installation Instructions:                                                   *

1.) Extract to contents of this mod to the "#SAS" folder of your Modact 5.x game.

2.) Open air.ini (in Modact 5 you find this file at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\air.ini").
    Add the following line:

WhirlwindMkII     air.WhirlwindA 1                      NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER

    Note that you can add the line at any place in the list of existing aircraft, e.g. it makes sense to add it
    after the line defining the "WellingtonMk3" in Modact 5.

3.) Scroll down for further optional .properties and .ini file modifications.

*                                                  Contents:                                                     *

Wirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II including 250lb, 500lb, Cluster and Rocket ordnance options.

*                                                  Credits:                                                      *

- 101tfs: Creator of this lovely bird
- SAS~S3: New Aircraft Slot, Java modifications, Flight Model, SBC ordnance
- GJE52: Cockpit Implementation based on P-38, 3D fixes
- Ranwers: New British Cockpit
- Birdman: Flight Model, 3D model fixes for both plane and cockpit
- SAS~Epervier: Stationary Plane, Weapons for pre-4.12 game versions
- SAS~Malone: Default Skins (pre and post Invasion)
- chrisgibon: 4.12.1 compatibility fix
- Poltava: Sample Mission for DBW + Command&Control Mod
- All SAS Superschool Members: Engine Sound selection
- SAS~Storebror: Few bits and bytes every here and there
- TD, Maddox, 1C: Base game and all the sweet stuff we borrowed

*                                  Optional properties modifications:                                            *

1.)   Tired of seeing unformatted names for plane and weapons? You can have readable descriptions too:

1.1.) Open plane.properties (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\i18n\plane.properties")
      or plane_ru.properties (other game versions, officially unsupported).

1.2.) At the end of the file, add the following lines:
WhirlwindMkII        Whirlwind F.Mk.I/FB.Mk.I/Mk.II, 1940/42

1.3.) Open weapons.properties (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\i18n\weapons.properties")
      or weapons_ru.properties (other game versions, officially unsupported).
1.4.) At the end of the file, add the following lines:

# WhirlwindMkII
WhirlwindMkII.default                           Whirlwind F.Mk.I
WhirlwindMkII.2x250lb                           2x250 lb. GP Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.2x250lbSAP                        2x250 lb. SAP Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.2x500lb                           2x500 lb. GP Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.2x500lbSAP                        2x500 lb. SAP Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.2x500lbMC                         2x500 lb. MC Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.14x40lbsSBC                       14x40 lb. GP Bombs (SBC)
WhirlwindMkII.24x20lbsSBC                       24x20 lb. F Bombs (SBC)
WhirlwindMkII.2xHVAR                            2x60 lb. Rockets (Trial at Boscombe Down)
WhirlwindMkII.8xHVAR                            8x60 lb. Rockets (What If)
WhirlwindMkII.none                              Empty

2.)   You're a mission builder and/or using missions/campaigns using the Whirlie? Then you have to do this
      in order to get a stationary Whirlie available in your game:
2.1.) Open stationary.ini (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\stationary.ini")

2.2.) If you don't have a section "Self_StationaryPlanes" yet, add it to the end of the file:


2.3.) At the end of your "Self_StationaryPlanes" section, add the following line:

WhirlwindMkII         vehicles.planes.WhirlStatic$WhirlwindA 1

2.4.) Open technics.ini (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\technics.ini")

2.5.) At the end of the file (if the file ends with an "eof" line, before that line) add the following:

Description     WhirlwindMkII
Icon            Plane
Class           air.WhirlwindA
PanzerType      Car
PanzerSubtype   4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode         WagonMetal

3.)   Got some nice skins to add?
      The Whirlie's Skin folder name is "<Your Game Folder Here>\PaintSchemes\Skins\WhirlwindMkII"


Don't forget to undo all .ini file changes in case you uninstall this mod, otherwise your game will crash.


* British Cockpit implemented, Credits to Ranwers
* M-26 stand-in ordnance replaced by real Small Bomb Containers (SBC), Credits to SAS~S3
* Medium Capacity 500 lb and Semi Armor Piercing 250lb and 500lbs Bombs added, Credits to Dreamk

* Additional Ordnance: 2 x 5 Inch HVAR rockets (one for each wing) according to historical trials at Boscombe Down
* FM fixes (e.g. no bomb bay doors, no airbrake, mixture control enabled etc.)
* Small cockpit texture bug fixed
* Stock game compatibility enhanced, now compatible with 4.07m and later (tested on 4.09m onwards)
* Tail wheel gear doors animation fixed
* plane.properties and weapons.properties entries fixed and added

* Initial public release version
* Featuring the "Whirlibomber" FB.Mk.I/Mk.II (designation depends on sources)
* Ordnance available: "Default" (guns only), 250/500lb GP bombs, 8 x 5 Inch HVAR rockets, empty

A few words concerning historical accuracy:

Likely you have noticed that the ordnance options are not fully historically accurate (the 8xHVAR is just a
"what-if" option). Whether or not further test equipment apart from the 2 HVAR Boscombe Down trial loadout will be
implemented (e.g. 12x.303 guns, 4 hispanos abreast, 37mm or 40mm cannon and various combinations of all of these)
has to be decided on a later day.

Many thanks to 101tfs for bringing the Whirlie back to life!

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2013, 02:39:34 AM »

Congratulations to all involved! One of the most anticipated and unique aircraft is finally in the Il-2 skies :)


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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2013, 03:00:26 AM »

Thank you all involved in this.

I dreamed of this bird in Il-2 for years, now my dreams finally came true, Thank you!
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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2013, 03:01:31 AM »

... a very beautiful bird, congrats to all the team ...  :P

Here is a tribute by artist Shigeo Koike



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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2013, 03:13:15 AM »

Saw the new site heading picture and now see this thread  :D ;)

Awesome effort on a job well done to everyone involved in this truly sexy aircraft  ;)

i prefer the official releases myself  :D

Excellent craftsmanship, weapons choices and skinning art  ;D





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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2013, 03:32:41 AM »

so great to finally see this plane in our sim, my heartiest thanks to each and every person who helped with this project, and to all our community members who so graciously helped our friend Bombsaway recently, both in word and in cash - this release is dedicated to all of you, and makes us really proud to be a part of this awesome community.
i have added a link to my 'messy template' at bottom of first post. ;)
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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2013, 03:35:54 AM »

Nice, Thanks :)
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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2013, 03:44:23 AM »

Great idea! Thanks to everyone who helped Bombsaway, I could not but certainly kept my fingers crossed...what a great community we got here :)


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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2013, 04:02:21 AM »

Awesome! She's fun to fly and those cannon are kick-ass :D



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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2013, 04:24:55 AM »

Awesome bird!!!! Many thanks to all involved,  8)


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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2013, 04:49:17 AM »

I already lost hope that I will ever have a chance to fly this plane in Il2. Thanks to all involved, it is a great honor to be a member of this community. Once again thank you :)


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Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2013, 04:52:58 AM »

What a great start to the day guys, glad to finally see her out on the boards, she is truly awesome. 8)

Thank you very much to all involved in the project, we now have one of the most longed for twins available to the community. :)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
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