Ilyia Mourometz, V and G-3 versionThe aviation pioneer Sikorski (later famous for its helicopters) in the first 10 years of the last century, and built the first four-engine project for commercial use, the outbreak of war suited his plan for military use, I have personified the two models more used the V-type and G-type in subversion G3.
Used throughout the war and also in the following civil war gained an aura of invulnerability, only three aircraft were lost due to enemy action one just for figthers but only after felling 3 of its aggressors.

Attention !!! read carefully the Readme files
Attention!!! to the cockpit is shared with the SB-Bomber (germany), to see what the version selected, remove the prefix from the name of the folder
I used the TB-3-4M-17X(gb)for the G3 HP 0/400 skins: SB_Bomber_RFC
TB-3-4M-17X(ru)for the V Sikorsky,1916 skins:SB_Bomber_Russia
Credit : for the 3d model GIO
Skin and template by MURDOC
Credit for the originals frankenplanes:
Beowulf,CY6,Max the Hitman.
The url for D/L : template by Murdoc are here : GIO.
ERRATA CORRIGE:for a despicable my mistake, even though I had said to carefully read the readme, I would not have done
Put the folders call "TB-3-4M-17X(gb)" "TB-3-4M-17X(ru)"in your "DBW1916"/STD
should read "DBW1916" / STD/3d0/Plane for aircraft
and "DBW1916" / STD/3d0/cockpit for what concerns the two different cockpit