Hi Pablo
i'll test the latest version out this evening, mate, thanks for it!

just some thoughts that have been flowing through my mind, and i thought to share some of them.
first, it would be nice if it were possible to implement a menu/HUD transparency option, perhaps making use of a slider, with which to easily adjust the overall transparency of the HUD message text.
i love the RR features we currently have, but it would be the cherry on the cake if we could make use of the last R, namely repair.

those suggestions aside, i think we should consider consolidating this thread, to try and make it easier for people to follow, and avoid the sort of confusion which we've seen arise over different versions of this mod (i think the problem lies largely with the fact that each new version file is named exactly the same. perhaps adding the release date in the name of each new iteration will help?
lastly, i see that there is little feedback of this mod, and i suspect it's largely due to the fact that many newer people aren't sure of the new features, such as RR, which is only briefly mentioned in the thread, but the usage isn't documented.
in fact, the missing documentation is a problem for many newer people - this sort of mod needs a bit of info, and this is still being waited on, a long way down the road already.
i know its a pain, and i will even offer to assist with it, but i think it's important to have some basic documentation on the latest features, and how they are used.
that's the sum of my suggestions for now.
thanks for your continued efforts with this, it's much appreciated!