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Author Topic: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)  (Read 119370 times)

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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #180 on: May 27, 2014, 03:47:37 PM »

Thanks for the reply Tom and let you know if anything changes, as far as the no "visual mod8" working.

And i will be changing a few openGL settings to match Toms and see how they look and run on my rig.

PS; As for my choice of Graphics card I have had very very good results from nvidia cards! not so much the same with amd/ati (radeon) cards, but that might be because of the way i build my PCs not the cards them self.


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #181 on: May 27, 2014, 04:04:09 PM »

The 'Game Menu' is in the Controls section which you access once you start the sim and has to be set to enable VisualMod8. The conf file has various settings that can then be adjusted to customise behaviour.


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #182 on: May 27, 2014, 04:29:13 PM »

Well. thanks for the reply "MadDog" but like i mentioned in my post the "game menu" everyone talks about just is not in my list! I looked in the (controls) (Misc) list and there is no (Game Menu) in the list to set a key binder to. I "activate" the mod in JSGME and it shows as being there? but no list in the in-game controls menu. Oddly though there does appear to be a gap in the list under (Misc) about 3rd from the bottom? is that possible the mystery spot it should be in? if so! i may have a gremlin in my il2 software  :(

I'll keep messing with this till i figure it out!
Or! I break it!

I will never give up!
Until I give up! ???

Thanks for any and all help! we will get this thing to work, or die trying! ;D


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #183 on: May 27, 2014, 04:58:37 PM »

Game Menu resides between Toggle Mirror and Next Beacon in Misc. That is where it should be and if  you don't have it then you don't have the right stuff. You must be running 4.12 with ModAct 5.3 to start with. I have TFM-412 and it is definitely there.


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #184 on: May 28, 2014, 11:26:33 AM »

Thanks again "MadDaog"..last night I tried to find the "mystery" (game menu) again to no avail!. I then decided to start from scratch and removed all il2 files and re-install il2 4.12.2+modact5.3+the latest version (5/22/14) of 00.pal.visual mod8. And that put me right back to the .....modact splash screen ...then desktop....nothing else! no game start!...then I removed the Visual mod8 file from jsgmemod file and put in the version from another post in this SAS thread topic (  PAL-VisualMOD8-v4122_RRR.7z  ) and activate it using jsgme that file would let il2 start but no sign of the visual mod8 in the controls setup menu!.
obviously I am not doing something right?
I know the mod dev put lots of hard long hours into this mod, and it is very well appreciated by all the IL2 1946 fans.
But! it would be great to have some kind of docs for this mod for peaple who run into issues (like me!)? And it looks like a game changer if i could ever get it to work!
Well..I'll keep trying!
Thanks! for any help I can gleam from the SAS community.


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #185 on: May 28, 2014, 11:40:38 AM »

               if you have a proper Il-2 Sturmovik with SAS ModAct 5.30 working and operating, even without my Visual MOD, you should see the 'Game Menu' item to assign a key to it.

  To make your life easier: just forget about the VisualMOD, your problema is before it. Remove everything, get the 'Game Menu' appearing in your "SAS ModAct 5.30" advertised properly loading game, and I can bet that later you will be able to actívate the Visual MOD.

  Something you are using (some MOD) is overwritting the HotKeys defined by the SAS Mod Activator. Then: no Game Menu and no joy with the Visual MOD.


Thanks again "MadDaog"..last night I tried to find the "mystery" (game menu) again to no avail!. I then decided to start from scratch and removed all il2 files and re-install il2 4.12.2+modact5.3+the latest version (5/22/14) of 00.pal.visual mod8. And that put me right back to the .....modact splash screen ...then desktop....nothing else! no game start!...then I removed the Visual mod8 file from jsgmemod file and put in the version from another post in this SAS thread topic (  PAL-VisualMOD8-v4122_RRR.7z  ) and activate it using jsgme that file would let il2 start but no sign of the visual mod8 in the controls setup menu!.
obviously I am not doing something right?
I know the mod dev put lots of hard long hours into this mod, and it is very well appreciated by all the IL2 1946 fans.
But! it would be great to have some kind of docs for this mod for peaple who run into issues (like me!)? And it looks like a game changer if i could ever get it to work!
Well..I'll keep trying!
Thanks! for any help I can gleam from the SAS community.


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #186 on: May 28, 2014, 02:41:53 PM »

Thanks for the reply (Benitomuso) I understand that you are the great mind behind this nice Mod?..And somehow "I WILL" get it to work! ""I Soooooo want to see IL2 1946 in stereoscopic 3d.""
So far I have done a complete fresh install patched up to 4.12.2 and have tried both install as admin and regular install both are in files made outside of the "programs" file (twice) and I get the same issue :(, I have no other mods installed till I install the (Modact5.3) (then I run a test start to see if it is running well) I have done a check right after the modact5.3 is installed, i do see a modact splash screen
and i do see it listed on the main in-game start-up screen along with the version numbers, (but I do not see the (Game Menu) listed in controls (misc) to set a key binder). then I will insert the (visual mod8) into jsgme and move it to the active side, check the jsgme config settings (XML) file and it shows its there, And click on the il2 1946 EXE.... then Modact splash screen (for a second)..... and no start, I will then remove the VMod8 and il2 starts as normal. Oddly though if i try the other version from the post that SAS~Gerax uploaded, I can at least get the game to start but not finding the (Game Menu) listed in controls (misc) to set a key binder to. I am obviously missing something?

3d stereoscopic is my goal and 3d stereoscopic is what i will get! Maybe?

right now I Am at my office so i cant really try any new methods in IL2 yet but I will keep plugging away at it when i get home later."I will figure it out!" I hope!


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #187 on: May 29, 2014, 05:27:57 AM »

hi Pablo :D
i hope it hasn't already been mentioned, i didn't read through the entire thread, but would it be possible to prevent, when taking control of another plane, that it reverts to a default skin and markings?
this is not a major issue, just a 'would be nice' thing ;)
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #188 on: May 29, 2014, 07:15:35 AM »

                   I didn't know about it. I haven't realized that the skins were reverted. I should investigate that behavior, I don't know directly how to solve it.


hi Pablo :D
i hope it hasn't already been mentioned, i didn't read through the entire thread, but would it be possible to prevent, when taking control of another plane, that it reverts to a default skin and markings?
this is not a major issue, just a 'would be nice' thing ;)


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #189 on: May 29, 2014, 10:05:45 AM »

i can't recall that it was always that way, but it certainly happens now...
well, i just recently noticed it, anyway :D
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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #190 on: May 30, 2014, 05:17:14 PM »

Thanks to all that tried to help me get this mod to run on my PC, I finally got it to work! It seems to have been a bad file in what appears to be the (4.07 to 4.12.2 MEGA patch) I did a step by step patch up to 4.12.2m and all is working now!

Well! All I have to say to the Dev's of this mod "HOOOOOORRRAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" :) you have taken this old girl and gave her a set of new %#@$t ( i think you can fill in the blanks?) to be played with!... All kidding aside, this is one great leap for the fans of il2 1946 that you have done!. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a foot note!
I found out that it only showed the (Game Menu) in the misc list after I installed ( SAS Flyable AI planes for 5.30, and SAS JSGME options for modact 5.30.) and activated them and most of the mods in jsgme, and then I only got (Game Menu).... after i loaded a plane and then went to the controls keys list and then found it in the MISC list! not before those steps could i ever see it under the main screens controls setting list! Don't know if that's the way it "should have worked out?" but it does on my PC!

Thanks again!


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #191 on: May 30, 2014, 08:33:00 PM »

Oooops!... I guess I was a bit to quick, seems that every time I try to go to anything higher than 1280X1024 then I get a CTD! anything on that yet?
Also the only 3d stereo I get is red/blue? no other I have a Passive 3d Monitor. any help in here on this ?

Any way nice mod though!

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