Thanks for the reply (Benitomuso) I understand that you are the great mind behind this nice Mod?..And somehow "I WILL" get it to work! ""I Soooooo want to see IL2 1946 in stereoscopic 3d.""
So far I have done a complete fresh install patched up to 4.12.2 and have tried both install as admin and regular install both are in files made outside of the "programs" file (twice) and I get the same issue

, I have no other mods installed till I install the (Modact5.3) (then I run a test start to see if it is running well) I have done a check right after the modact5.3 is installed, i do see a modact splash screen
and i do see it listed on the main in-game start-up screen along with the version numbers, (but I do not see the (Game Menu) listed in controls (misc) to set a key binder). then I will insert the (visual mod8) into jsgme and move it to the active side, check the jsgme config settings (XML) file and it shows its there, And click on the il2 1946 EXE.... then Modact splash screen (for a second)..... and no start, I will then remove the VMod8 and il2 starts as normal. Oddly though if i try the other version from the post that SAS~Gerax uploaded, I can at least get the game to start but not finding the (Game Menu) listed in controls (misc) to set a key binder to. I am obviously missing something?
3d stereoscopic is my goal and 3d stereoscopic is what i will get! Maybe?
right now I Am at my office so i cant really try any new methods in IL2 yet but I will keep plugging away at it when i get home later."I will figure it out!" I hope!