Finding great MODs that hasn't been subject to a campaign often prompts me into action! This time it's the new Japanese aircraft by
ten101 (the Ki-109. the Gekko and the D4Y3-S), the Ki-45 and the fighter version of Ki-46 plus the new map "Iwo Jima to Kanto Plain" by
RealDarko and
Agracier, that form the basis for my new campaign, or campaigns really. I call it the
Empire Defenders Battlepack:

What you get in this BATTLEPACK this is FIVE different variants of the same campaign, for five different aircraft:
*The Ki-109
*The Ki-45 Tei
*The Ki-46 Otsu Hei
*The J1N1-Sa
*The D4Y3-S.
But note that there are some differences in missions in all five campaigns, so they are not completely identical. And that most of them use randomizers found in Checkyersix's great C&C Mod, so there are also in-built variations. You can of course choose yourself if you want to use all these campaigns or just some.
You can download the entire Battlepack here:
Each of these campaigns are semi-historical and static, and start in late 1944. The first B-29 raids from the Marianas has hit the Honshu and the Japanese mainland. There is a growing feeling desperation over this threat from the American high-altitude monster bomber, which must be stopped or Japan will lose the war. You are a pilot in a Japanese heavy fighter unit. You have just one task: to shoot down B-29's, and help stop this deadly aerial assault against Imperial Japan. The task will not be easy, as the enemy operates very high up, and are formidably defended.

Most missions are day-time high-altitude interceptions, but you will also try some night-fighting missions, and also participate in the historical fighting during two days that were ominous for the defenders of mainland Japan: first the big carrier raids of 16/17 February 1945, when many airfields on Honshu were targeted by the sudden appearance of masses with US Navy aircraft, and secondly the big day-time raid on Tokyo April 7 1945, when the B-29’s for the first time were escorted by P-51’s, flying from Iwo Jima. After this date the heavy fighter units in effect were obsolete in their intended role, and the campaign ends.

As mentioned most missions also uses
Checkyersix’s great Command & Control Mod, so the weather, the time of day and the skill level of the pilots is often randomized, and in some mission you will receive guidance from ground radar control, and (in the case of the J1N1-Sa) from your own radar operator, in the form of text messages over the screen.

REQUIREMENTS: 4. Requirements: This campaign is built with Dark Blue World 1.71. In addition to this you MUST have the following five Mods installed:
1.) The Mitsubishi Ki-109, by ten010:,35530.msg387507.html#msg3875072.) The Yokosuka D4Y3-S, by ten010:,23904.0.html3.) The Nakajima J1N1-Sa by ten010:,27209.0.html4.) The "Iwo Jima to Kanto plain" map by RealDarko and Agracier:,30729.0.html5.) The Command & Control Mod, version 3.031, by Checkyersix:,26654.0.htmlYou will of course not need all the above aircraft in order to play just the Ki-45 and/or Ki-46 campaigns, as these aircraft comes with DBW 1.71. And if you are just interested in playing, say, one of the other campaigns you will of course only need to have the aircraft for that campaign installed.

The gifted modder
ten101 has made three of the five aircraft used in this battlepack, and he must of course have special thanks! Great job ten010!
Some more screenies:

Thanks for looking!