Hey Guys
I have a heavily modded version of M5.3 including the complete TFM 412 "The Next Level", plus many more Mods added independently. The game runs flawlessly but takes an FPS hit on big missions (as we expect, no problem!

Now, the back story to my actual problem is that I'm trying to put a PTO Pack together, based on SAS Modact 5.3 (Along the lines of vp media's pack) with a greatly reduced aircraft, chief and stationary list - all this in search of a better FPS performance.
So, to start, I made a basic Modact 5.3 install over a pristine vanilla 4.12.2. Then went ahead and installed the AI flyables and JSGME options - Brilliantly easy, as usual. I then did some check rides in a few of my favourite aircraft, F4F, F6F, F4U, TBD's etc - just to make sure everything's working fine, when I noticed that I couldn't change the default skins on the aircraft I was flying!!! I have to stress it's only the player aircraft that I couldn't change - all the AI planes seemed fine. I checked dozens of the aircraft and found that the default skins would not change

I assumed I had made a mistake and did a whole fresh installation - still the same!!
To cut a longish story short, after checking all my installs I found the player skins problem was also the case with, 4.12.2 vanilla, vp Modpack, and 4.13.4 vanilla.
But.... in my installs of CUP (to latest expansion) and Modact 5.3 with TFM 412 "the next level", the player aircraft skins are fully changeable. Also, BAT, of course was fine.
Can anyone else confirm the above experience? .... and is there a simple fix or mod that enables player aircraft skin changes??