You'll find that Skin together with all other historical kites ever photographed
related with AOI--East African Theatre (Axis/Allied) in my released AOI Skinpack.,42482.0.htmlThe above Profile for the SM.79 is well done, as can be from the source pic, which is rather
took from far away distance, but it seems to match the mimetico pattern.
The Fiat is questionable, it was 413° not 412° inventory, this kite was found at Addis Abeba,
a second is known to be photographed at least twice by a Wingmen of Ildebrando Malavolta, showing his kite
not even sporting any unit markings at all, just the cross, though the Serial is visible in one pic and
it must be the kite in which Malavolta finally crashed.
As for the cross markings, since it seems to be a recognition marking in the later stages of the Conflict,
according italian sources. (Dimensione Cielo and Ali D'Italia Publications)
It was found on captured SM.79 (5 examples from 6°), CR.32 (1 example from 410°) and CR.42 (2 examples from 413°)
and finally on a sole example Caproni Ca.133 of Staff Flight settore Somalia, SM-5.
Interestingly enough, not all inventory depictured were applied these recognition markings, so there's still sth.
questionable, why would a single Caproni of Staff flight sport it, when 3 or more others don't show it?
Same goes for all other types were the markings showed up to be of mixed type.
Maybe it was an Ad-Hoc commando or special duty unit, who knows.
As for SCW merorabilia, emblem, the evidence is weak, this was known to be the case in one of
the Bomber units were Benitos Sons served respectively. 15° Squadriglia on 101 and 133 Capronis
That's it, uuufff
Kind Regards