Today I make this little MOD public.

Image bei SAS~Malone
BeaufighterTFX air.TFX 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkXCCN air.CCBEAU10N 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkXCC air.CCBEAU10 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Patch for Weapons- and planes property
https://www.mediafire.com/download/tv8jm6m9gu7jdtn/Weaponsproperties.7z thx for the help @
Epervier just drop it in Your CCBeaufighter-folder and lett overwrite
Like always
this MOD is result of an international Teamwork !Original Credits for the X go to:
Charlie , Jolly and the first Fm for the X was done by Hunin.
My mod is based on the SAS*Beaufighter-Pack by SAS~Malone & SAS CirX
Not only Testpilots, they gave me a lot of advice, input and informations:
SAS~Malone, SAS~Epervier (classfile help too), Whiskey_Sierra_972, Mission_bug, Cgagan, Gaston, SAS~Farang65, deSAD
new default skin by: SAS~Malone
PA_Jeronimo: 3d-Parts for engines, spinners, cowlings etc.
SAS~Crazyflak, Kumpel: 108 ltr- Tank
SAS~Anto: AS and AP Rockets
Classfiles and 3d-Work Docholiday
If I forgott anybody, please don`t take it as offense !
Send please an e-mail and I will give proper credits !!!
Please enjoy it, I do ;-)
Docholiday 08.11.2013
I know there are some shortcommings.
The one or the other bug was already in the genetic material of the predecessors of this plane