I'm also a noob, so this is fresh in my mind. Here are some good links for you regarding graphics settings:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=9756.0Crap... won't let me post external links? What is up with that? I guess you will need to scrounge on your own. Or maybe this will help... put these into google:
"mission for today graphic card settings"
"optimized conf.ini for il-2"
"ubisoft getting rid of jaggies"
If you have a top system try setting the options as high as you can in the conf.ini, and downgrade as necessary.
Note that if you change your conf.ini manually, do *not* go into the games graphic settings, or your changes will be over written. Back up any positive progress before you change something else.
Also install nVidia Inspector to fine tune anti-aliasing (AA). It seemed to me that anti-aliasing made the most difference, and can also have a big hit on your FPS. You can probably run 8xSQ [Combined 2x2 SS + 2x MS] or higher.
My 7 year old computer, 9600 GSO, and 1920x1080 lcd have a hard time, so I was trying to see what I could get away with. Unfortunately high detail and AA isn't possible on my system... at least not that I've found. I'm running 2x MS and getting ~30 FPS most of the time which seems to be barely ok.
If you get stuttering or low FPS in game, then you will need to back off some settings. To show your FPS when the game is running, hit Tab+Shift to bring up the console, and type "fps SHOW START" and enter, and FPS will display at the top. Fly around and see if water, ground, trees, explosions, smoke, planes, clouds, etc are the culprits, and back off on the appropriate item in conf.ini, or dial back your AA settings in Inspector.
Also a couple mods I've found that are really nice are the Default FOV Mod and FOV Changer Mod.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19698.0.htmlhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16878.0.html Good luck!