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Author Topic: Target objects from HSFX  (Read 6308 times)

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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2013, 09:51:19 AM »

... bon ben on voit bien le cercle rouge en 3D ...  :(

... par contre pour modifier sa hauteur faut prendre laquelle des 3 lignes "attaching" et quelle valeur lui donner pour mettre le cercle au ras des pâquerettes stp ...?   8)

Tiens c'est marrant comme y'a une rubrique "Red" du coup le texte passe en rouge ici et sans les crochets en plus ...  :o

VisibilitySphere 40.0
CollisionObject sphere 400.0 0.0 0.0 7.0
Mesh Body
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.0 0.0 7.0
CollisionObject xcoll01
Mesh Body_dmg
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.0 0.0 7.0
CollisionObject xcoll01

Mesh Red
Parent Body
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0



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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2013, 11:31:48 AM »

Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1   0 0 0
En théorie c'est le 3ème zéro... en théorie XYZ ! Les valeurs sont en mètres.
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1.0
Mais si l'objet a été mal fait...
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1. 0   (XZY)
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -1. 0 0   (ZXY)  :P
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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2013, 12:08:30 PM »

... merci, je testerai demain, j'espère que je ne serai pas obligé d'enterrer les cercles sous la pelouse pour les rendre invisibles ...!!  8)


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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2013, 01:36:37 PM »

With things being as they are, i still wouldn't mind having the 4.09 files and instructions to see if i may be able to make it work in 4.101, is this not possible?

cheers all



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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2013, 01:59:39 PM »

I feel that using these target objects 1) reduces the number of objects for an area and thus the load on the computer and, 2) allows the player to complete a mission by destroying the target object itself.
:-X No !
These circles do not work. There are no results even if you destroy all objects.
They serve only to attract the flies!
With circles target of the game you have a result: failure, victory ...
With red circles ... nothing ... no message of success or failure.
The only gains will be made ??by the objects destroyed ...

@Mick : tu veux descendre les cercles ?
Peut-être ! Mais il faut s'assurer dans le FMB que c'est faisable. Dans le FMB quand tu passes en vue 3D vois-tu les cercles au-dessus du sol ?
Si oui alors il faut modifier le hier.him de chaque cercle, onglet , attaching... etc comme d'hab pour les objets... :)

There would be a "Mission Complete" signal if, just like any other group of objects, these Factory Target objects were used in conjunction with the in-game Target circles that allow one to choose the destruction level. In this case you could use a Target circle to enclose one of these Factory Target objects or, if you used more than one of these Factroy Target objects, you would encompass all those objects and then choose what destruction level needs to be obtained to complete a mission. This is what we're currently doing anyway with all the rest of the objects.

I did a quick Google translation of you're conversation in French and hope I got it right! Epervier: You state that, in 3D mode in FMB, the red circles are still visible even if they are lowered. So are the invisible runways which are currently just ten centimeters above the ground. However, what happens during the mission itself? Under normal conditions these objects, just like the invisible runways, aren't visible from above when in a mission.

I threw together a quick-and-dirty mission to see what the invisible runways look like from underneath both in FMB and in a mission. They're invisible from below both in 3D mode in FMB and during the mission itself.

Here's further thoughts:
1) If you lower the Factory Target circles on an airbase what happens to aircraft that "hit" them? The invisible runways can cause damage if you hit them the wrong way.
2) I'll repeat what I said before - why would you use these at an airbase anyway? You already have plenty of stationary targets that can be covered by a Target circle that would give you a "Mission Complete" signal plus the score for all those objects you've destroyed.
3) I still feel these have a value for mission builders
     a} when used over areas where one would not be able to see the underside of the Factory Target and
     b} to reduce the number of objects to be destroyed during area bombing thus lowering the load on the computer.



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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2013, 02:19:01 PM »

With things being as they are, i still wouldn't mind having the 4.09 files and instructions to see if i may be able to make it work in 4.101, is this not possible?
For now I'm not on my "big" computer.
I convey to you as soon as possible all that I have.
But there will be only 2 Class generic Java (with comments).
The Class "PlaneGeneric" contains too many changes.
You'll have to fend for himself by drawing step code ...

I did a quick Google translation of you're conversation in French and hope I got it right! Epervier: You state that, in 3D mode in FMB, the red circles are still visible even if they are lowered. So are the invisible runways which are currently just ten centimeters above the ground. However, what happens during the mission itself? Under normal conditions these objects, just like the invisible runways, aren't visible from above when in a mission.

I threw together a quick-and-dirty mission to see what the invisible runways look like from underneath both in FMB and in a mission. They're invisible from below both in 3D mode in FMB and during the mission itself.

Here's further thoughts:
1) If you lower the Factory Target circles on an airbase what happens to aircraft that "hit" them? The invisible runways can cause damage if you hit them the wrong way.
2) I'll repeat what I said before - why would you use these at an airbase anyway? You already have plenty of stationary targets that can be covered by a Target circle that would give you a "Mission Complete" signal plus the score for all those objects you've destroyed.
3) I still feel these have a value for mission builders
     a} when used over areas where one would not be able to see the underside of the Factory Target and
     b} to reduce the number of objects to be destroyed during area bombing thus lowering the load on the computer.
I let Mick answer...
There are too many strange words to me in your response!
Google Translator prefers short sentences!
Sorry !  :-X
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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2013, 02:59:28 PM »

Ok thanks epervier.

I must say also that I agree with all that plowshare says, these objects don't have to be used near airfields.




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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2013, 04:43:17 AM »

Hi guys,

Well in fact I came across that "bug" (red circle preventing landings and being visible once you've landed, provided you use the smaller size to avoid overlapping the landing strip) simply because when Epervier asked me to beta test that mod I was building a mission in which my blue base was attacked by the Reds ...

So I used the Factory Objects on my own base, and everything went fine, well, until I tried to land after the battle was over ...  ???

This afternoon I'll try to modify the "altitude" of the red circles in order to avoid seing them once you've landed on your own base, and if I fail then this will mean that this mod is not made to be used on air bases, like Plowshare suggests ...  ;)

Anyway, I'll keep you posted ...  :)


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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2013, 06:22:25 AM »

Le problème c'est que les cercles doivent être visibles dans le FMB et invisibles dans le jeu ! ;)
Mon avis perso : tu auras l'un ou l'autre mais pas les deux !  :-X
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Re: Target objects from HSFX
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2013, 07:04:56 AM »

... tu as sans doute raison ... (comme d'hab ... ;))

Si je parviens à abaisser l'altitude des cercles, au mieux je vais les descendre à hauteur du sol, et donc j'aurai un magnifique cercle rouge peint par terre ...  :'(

Ce mod n'est sans doute pas prévu pour être utilisé sur des bases aériennes, d'où d'ailleurs son nom de "Factory" ...  ;)

Il est donc plus approprié pour des villes/concentrations de troupes/véhicules ou même ports ... partout là où on a aucune raison de se poser, sauf bien sûr atterrissage d'urgence dans les parages ...


... you are probably right ... (as usual ...  ;))

If I manage to lower the circles altitude, at best I'll set it to the ground level, and thus get a wonderful red circle painted on the ground ... :'(

This mod is probably not destined to be used on AC bases, hence it's name: "Factory"  ;)

It is then more relevant for cities/troops or vehicles concentrations and even harbours, any place where you are not supposed to land, except of course in case of a belly landing in the surroundings ...
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