Pete/Mission Bug thank you again, the non problem is solved. I never removed your previous version of SSPs from my SAS folder. The versions were in conflict. Works fine now as do all the others. Now I have to throw myself up a flight of stairs.
Great stuff MarvinT, glad you got it working.

The reason I usually remove/deactivate the previous version is that sometimes in a very short time the mods can be updated and require a new java entry so the previous
stationary and technics become outdated.
I give the latest entries in the posts here but also in the download there are copies of the stationary and technics files for you to use as reference that also show any aircraft previously used as deactivated just in case you want to use the older mod in your install whether or not there is a newer version.
The java remains for all the aircraft I have put in there during the time this mod has been around but you can still if you wish use the older mod and its entries as long as you deactivate the newer one.

There are aircraft in there that do mess up the sim if the entries are added so they are deliberately not in those reference files, that way you just take it that if there is no entry for a particular aircraft either I have not tried it , most unlikely, or that there were issues with it.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.