Hello Rage, if you check in the mod you will see a folder 'My entries', if you check through the list there it gives everything already added to the stationary plane mod, you will find some of the requests are already in.

Others I may not actually have, or intend to have, but I will keep in mind the requests for future updates.
From memory:
The N1K1 is in but the entries are not shown because the float in 4.12 points in a different direction to what it should.
The Invader frankens, all three crash the sim if the stationary was loaded, so again no go.
All Bf-109 types have been deliberately left out because the mod is intended to work with Anto's Ultimate 109's, please see the readme for explanation.
The Ju-188 and 388 are in.
The Fiesler float is in I am sure.
As far as I recall the Japanese types are all in except the D3A2, although I may be thinking of my 4.11 mod so will check.
Edit: Sorry the J2M3 versions and the N1K2s were actually in my 4.11., they have now been added to my 4.12.2 Ar-196T-1 does not work in my install but is made with the stationary as part of the mod, just add the entry if it works in your install.
Me-V4 is there.
A version of the Helldiver is there, I may not have the latest.
The FM-1, FM-2A are in but I forgot to actually add them to the full stationary when I made the SSP for the release of the mod here.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.