It was about time...
Here it is, the He 177 A-3 / A-5 SAS Flyable Edition:
Features (just a few...):
- Based on HSFX 7.0.1 He 177 AI only version
- New ordnance options, historically accurate and based on documents as much as possible
- New Flight Model
- Completely rewritten Java Code
- Many bugs fixed, e.g. Flaps, Ordnance hooks, Landing Lights, Gear Doors, Gunner Positions, Propellor rotation direction etc.
- All gunner positions manned
Download Links for the He 177 SAS Flyable Edition v1.01 (25MB)He 177 SAS Flyable Edition v1.01 (Mediafire)IL-2 4.09m Users only (Modact 2, Ultrapack 2, HSFX 4):Download Links for the He 177 SAS Flyable Edition v1.01 addons for IL-2 4.09m (0.8MB)He 177 SAS Flyable Edition v1.01 addons for IL-2 4.09m (Mediafire)For Installation Instructions please refer to the readme below which is also part of the Download Package:
* Installation Instructions: *
1.) Copying of files (depending on your game version):
1a.) Modact 3/4/5 users (IL-2 4.10/4.11/4.12): Extract the contents of this mod to the "#SAS" folder of your game.
1b.) DBW users (IL-2 4.10): Extract the contents of this mod to the "#DBW" folder of your game.
1c.) Ultrapack 3 users (IL-2 4.10): Extract the contents of this mod to the "#UP#" folder of your game.
1d.) HSFX 5/6/7 users (IL-2 4.10/4.11/4.12): Extract the contents of this mod to the "MODS" folder of your game.
1e.) Modact 2/Ultrapack 2/HSFX 4 users (IL-2 4.09):
Extract the contents of this mod to the "MODS" folder of your game.
Additionally download and install the 4.09 addon pack for this mod.
ATTENTION: You need some kind of "DiffFM" mod installed in your game.
Modact 5 and DBW ship with DiffFM included by default, others need to make sure to have it installed,
otherwise your game will crash at 60%.
Some links for DiffFM mods (not comprehensive):
4.10m (incl. UP3):,12169.0.html
4.11m (incl. HSFX 6):,24777.0.html
HSFX 7:,38980.0.html
2.) Open air.ini (in Modact 5 you find this file at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\air.ini",
for other game versions this may differ, e.g. "<Your Game Folder>\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\air.ini").
Add the following line:
He-177-A3 air.HE_177_A3 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
3.) Optional: If you'd like to have nicer propeller meshes for screenshots, remove the "-" sign from the name
of the folder "-He 0177 Screenshot Props" of this mod so that it's name reads "He 0177 Screenshot Props".
4.) Scroll down for further optional .properties file modifications.
* Contents: *
This mod provides to you the SAS Flyable Edition of the famous HSFX 7 Heinkel He 177 "Greif".
It features the models "A-3" and "A-5" of the "Greif" with a total of 79 ordnance options.
Care has been taken to keep most of the ordnance options historically accurate.
Some ordnance options are not correct though, they're in this pack for one of two reasons:
1.) They've been in the initial HSFX 7 release of the "Greif" and remain in this pack for backward compatibility
2.) They serve as a stand-in for a very similar historical ordnance option.
This mod fixes a lot of bugs which were part of the initial HSFX 7 "Greif" release, e.g. wrong bomb hooks,
missing outer flaps, flap movement didn't represent the fowler flaps properly, gunners could shoot their own
aircraft, gunner coverage area was wrong, wrong gun types on turrets, bomb bay door touched ventral gun,
ventral gunner didn't change position in his seat, "floating" parts after ground impact, left prop was
rotating right hand erratically, landing light positions were wrong and landing light was not operable,
gear doors remained open when gear was in "locked down" position etc...
This mod implements a new Flight Model with some parameters fine tuned in order to match closer historical
data e.g. for max. ceiling, max speed at altitude etc. and fixes further failures like wrong fuel mass,
missing fire extinguishers etc.
The whole Java code was rewritten and a couple of genuine features have been implemented, e.g. automatic
prop feather (a genuine feature of german late war coupled engines).
All gunner stations are manned and can be operated by AI or manually as you like.
* Credits: *
- Our beloved game acting as code base here, by 1C/Maddox/TD
- Original 3D by Magot (SVK)
- Initial AI release by 242 Squadron / HSFX Team
- Rotated left prop meshes by mikoyan99 and Birdman
- Many help with 3D bug fixing by mikoyan99, mac1, BT~wasted, GJE52, western0221, Dreamk, Birdman, Loku,
SAS~Epervier, vpmedia, just champi (hopefully I didn't forget to mention someone)
- Java Code and new ordnance arrangement by SAS~Storebror
* Changelog: *
Version 1.01:
- Torpedokommandogerät ToKG implemented:
When Torpedo ordnance is selected, Lotfe bombsight device will be replaced by ToKG.
Use bombsight keys to adjust ToKG params.
Works for 4.10+ (sorry 4.09 Rebels, you'll see it but it has no real effect for you).
- Bombsight View Zoom Factor made adjustable for 4.12/Modact5/HSFX7
(sorry 4.11 or older game version users, this feature has been implemented with 4.12)
Version 1.00:
- Zwölflampengerät fixed by SAS~Epervier
- Waypoint Azimuth Indicator fixed by SAS~Epervier
Release Candidate 01:
- Code Merge for 4.09 - 4.12 versions
- Left prop meshes updated by Birdman
- Right gear ground smoke hook adjusted
- Mipmap texture flag bugfix implemented
- Engine startup shake code implemented
Beta 003:
- Flight Model changes to better reflect a heavy bomber + CG pos adjustments
- Fowler Flap code implemented: Reduced drag in combat&takeoff pos., increased drag in landing pos.
- Left prop mesh LOD fixes by Matt (mikoyan99)
- auxiliary tank initial 90 degree rotation at drop time fixed
Beta 002:
- Rotation of inner main gear wheels fixed
- ToKG functionality implemented (ToKG 3D Mesh not yet implemented)
- "tumbling" auxiliary tank drop pattern implemented
- Small code fixes regarding external loadout
- Added 4.09m Version
Beta 001:
- Initial Beta Release of He 177 SAS Flyable Edition
* Optional properties modifications: *
1.) Open (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\i18n\")
or (other game versions, officially unsupported).
2.) At the end of the file, add the following lines:
He-177-A3 He 177 A-3/A-5, 1943
3.) Open (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\i18n\")
or (other game versions, officially unsupported).
4.) At the end of the file, add the following lines (yes, it's 1264 lines to be added, seriously. We know
that this is roughly 1/4th of the original stock file size. Trust us: It's worth it.):
# He-177-A3
He-177-A3.default Default
He-177-A3.36xSC50 36xSC 50
He-177-A3.48xSC50 48xSC 50
He-177-A3.48xSC70 48xSC 70
He-177-A3.12xSC250 12xSC 250
He-177-A3.4xSC500 4xSC 500
He-177-A3.6xSC500 6xSC 500
He-177-A3.10xSC500 10xSC 500
He-177-A3.4xSC500_ER 4xSC 500 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.2xSC500_LR 2xSC 500 LongRange
He-177-A3.4xSD500 4xSD 500
He-177-A3.6xSD500 6xSD 500
He-177-A3.4xSD500_ER 4xSD 500 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.2xSD500_LR 2xSD 500 LongRange
He-177-A3.2xSC1000 2xSC 1000
He-177-A3.4xSC1000 4xSC 1000
He-177-A3.2xSC1000_ER 2xSC 1000 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.2xSD1000 2xSD 1000
He-177-A3.4xSD1000 4xSD 1000
He-177-A3.6xSD1000 6xSD 1000
He-177-A3.4xSD1000_ER 4xSD 1000 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.2xSD1000_LR 2xSD 1000 LongRange
He-177-A3.2xSC1800 2xSC 1800
He-177-A3.4xSC1800 4xSC 1800
He-177-A3.2xSC1800_ER 2xSC 1800 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.2xPC1600 2xPC 1600
He-177-A3.4xPC1600 4xPC 1600
He-177-A3.2xPC1600_ER 2xPC 1600 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.2xSC2000 2xSC 2000
He-177-A3.2xSC2000_ER 2xSC 2000 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A52xSC1800 A5: 2xSC 1800
He-177-A3.A52xSC1800_ER A5: 2xSC 1800 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A52xSC1800_LR A5: 2xSC 1800 LongRange
He-177-A3.A52xSC1800_ELR A5: 2xSC 1800 Max.Range
He-177-A3.A51xSC2500 A5: 1xSC 2500
He-177-A3.A51xSC2500_ER A5: 1xSC 2500 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A51xSC2500_LR A5: 1xSC 2500 LongRange
He-177-A3.A51xSC2500_ELR A5: 1xSC 2500 Max.Range
He-177-A3.A51xHs293 A5: 1x Hs293
He-177-A3.A51xHs293_ER A5: 1x Hs293 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A51xHs293_LR A5: 1x Hs293 LongRange
He-177-A3.A51xHs293_ELR A5: 1x Hs293 Max.Range
He-177-A3.A52xHs293 A5: 2x Hs293
He-177-A3.A52xHs293_ER A5: 2x Hs293 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A52xHs293_LR A5: 2x Hs293 LongRange
He-177-A3.A52xHs293_ELR A5: 2x Hs293 Max.Range
He-177-A3.A53xHs293 A5: 3x Hs293
He-177-A3.A53xHs293_ER A5: 3x Hs293 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A53xHs293_LR A5: 3x Hs293 LongRange
He-177-A3.A53xHs293_ELR A5: 3x Hs293 Max.Range
He-177-A3.A51xFritzX A5: 1x FritzX
He-177-A3.A51xFritzX_ER A5: 1x FritzX Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A51xFritzX_LR A5: 1x FritzX LongRange
He-177-A3.A51xFritzX_ELR A5: 1x FritzX Max.Range
He-177-A3.A52xFritzX A5: 2x FritzX
He-177-A3.A52xFritzX_ER A5: 2x FritzX Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A52xFritzX_LR A5: 2x FritzX LongRange
He-177-A3.A52xFritzX_ELR A5: 2x FritzX Max.Range
He-177-A3.A53xFritzX A5: 3x FritzX
He-177-A3.A53xFritzX_ER A5: 3x FritzX Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A53xFritzX_LR A5: 3x FritzX LongRange
He-177-A3.A53xFritzX_ELR A5: 3x FritzX Max.Range
He-177-A3.A52xLT50 A5: 2x LT50 (Salvo)
He-177-A3.A52xLT50_ER A5: 2x LT50 S. Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A52xLT50_LR A5: 2x LT50 S. LongRange
He-177-A3.A52xLT50_ELR A5: 2x LT50 S. Max.Range
He-177-A3.A52xLT50_spread A5: 2x LT50
He-177-A3.A52xLT50_spread_ER A5: 2x LT50 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A52xLT50_spread_LR A5: 2x LT50 LongRange
He-177-A3.A52xLT50_spread_ELR A5: 2x LT50 Max.Range
He-177-A3.A54xLT50 A5: 4x LT50 (Salvo)
He-177-A3.A54xLT50_ER A5: 4x LT50 S. Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A54xLT50_LR A5: 4x LT50 S. LongRange
He-177-A3.A54xLT50_ELR A5: 4x LT50 S. Max.Range
He-177-A3.A54xLT50_spread A5: 4x LT50
He-177-A3.A54xLT50_spread_ER A5: 4x LT50 Ext.Range
He-177-A3.A54xLT50_spread_LR A5: 4x LT50 LongRange
He-177-A3.A54xLT50_spread_ELR A5: 4x LT50 Max.Range
He-177-A3.none Empty
For those who want to try the "Greiff" under conditions more like those in the field

SAS~Poltava has put together a 6 mission mini-campaign:
You are a member of a special bombing Staffel in the Luftwaffe, sent to the Donbass region during the late summer of 1943, to test the new He-177 in field conditions. The frontlines and happenings on the ground are historical. The missions themselves try to reflect those that "Greiff" units flew a year later, during the Soviet summer offensive against Army Group Centre in 1944. You will see a number of different bombing missions. Note also that there is a simple random element in this campaign: on most missions there is 33% to 50% chance of running into Soviet fighters, on some you will encounter them, no matter what. The campaign has been done in and for the ModAct 5.30/4.12.2.
Download Links for the He 177 SAS Flyable Edition Mini Campaign by SAS~Poltava (0.4MB)He 177 SAS Flyable Edition Mini Campaign by SAS~Poltava (Mediafire)A last word regarding "licensing" of this mod:
Quite like most of my mod works, all what has been done here is released under the DWTFYWWI "license" (= "Do What The F*ck You Want With It").
Of course I cannot grant you a license for reutilizing things I haven't done, so this doesn't apply to e.g. the base game, the base He 177 3D model etc.
All the rest is free for you to do whatever you want with it. If you reuse some of my works, I'd be glad if you could give credit accordingly. If not, earth revolves on nevertheless.