Besides SndAircraft.class bug I asked 2 posts above,
I publish a new ALPHA test patch here.
tp:// patch is common for all the branches of mine.
Please change the installing folder name to fit your branch, not to copy as is in my archive.
* Not compatible to latest Pablo's Visual MOD V9. Exclusion.
Stock 4.11.1m and later games has "Smart Axis" function with this conf.ini setting.
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 increased engine numbers from stock's 4x into 8x , but this Smart Axis function was not expanded and disabled in riding modded 5x / 6x / 8x engines aircrafts.
Today I expand it into 2 ways.
About 2x throttle axis players, you can control all 5x ~ 8x engines with 2x axis like stock game 4x engines aircrafts.
About 4x throttle axis players, you can also control 5x ~ 8x engines with your 4x axis in the same way of 2x Smart Axis function.

I don't have 4x throttle axis device or install 6x / 8x engine MOD aircrafts.
So, I have not tested those functions, I cannot test my plan is implemented correctly and working.
Please test them when you have, and feedback here.
Stock game's "Smart Axis" has not only throttle control, but also prop pitch control.
Today's my ALPHA patch has only throttle control.
After I will be reported "Working OK for throttle" , I'll make same function into prop pitch.