The proposed pack of Martlet Mk.I/Mk.II is a replica of excellent mod of CirX.,779.msg8478.html#msg8478Martlets over Norway

However, in comparison with the original, the following changes were made:
- Revised loadout. The planes use British 250lbs Bombs now.
- Replaced default skins and desert default skins are added.
- Revised size of reticle for the gunsight.
- Added Jeronimo's 3D Fixes and Wheels.
Link: please find below SAS~Bravo's fix for DBW 1.71 for Martlet Mk.II.
Link: it into 3do/Plane of the pack and overwrite existing model of Martlet Mk.II.
Note that this 3D model is for DBW 1.71 only. Many thanks to SAS~Bravo for this excellent fix.
- 1C:Maddox Games and Daidalos Team for original Model & code.
- SAS~CirX for creation of original mod.
- Veltro for creation of original cockpit.
- SAS~Epervier for creation of FM.
- PA_Jeronimo for 3D Fixes and wheels.
- SAS~Bravo for DBW 1.71 fix and for adding for Jero's 3D fixes, better 3D Wheels and testing of models.
- Stefan SG for revision of loadout and creation of new default skins.
- CanonUK for summer and desert skins for Martlet Mk.I.
- Jesters-Inc for summer skin for Martlet Mk.II.
- HBPencil for desert skin for Martlet Mk.II.
- Knochenlutscher's 3D Update:,42639.msg479432.html#msg479432Edited by Bravo!