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Author Topic: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens  (Read 5785 times)

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Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« on: February 12, 2014, 05:06:57 PM »

Not the same eye candy and fun like IL-2, but every once in a while I get hooked.
Main jet F-16s, by now some theatres like Israel, Balkans, Aegean.
Default is Korea. Anyway, not on a promo tour, just shots.
FM great, atmosphere great, new models great, rest tad outdated.

IAF in SIrael theatre

One of the few areas with trees

Custom trees with FPS hit  :(

my customized Block 50 pit (mostly canopy and HUD part)

Custom (all freeware) new HAF Block 52+ model by JanHas

I once wrote a tutorial for this sim for starters. But tbh, after 6-8 years with Falcon based sims, modded IL-2 and maybe in the future modded BOS is the way to go for me.

Hope you enjoyed.
I grew tired of F-16s, one more reason why I love the 2nd Gen IL-2 jets.
And any sim with F-104s.  :)


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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2014, 05:15:37 PM »

To not make this pointless if someone wants to try..
You can download the sim and theatres at
Freeware, but you need to have the Falcon 4.0 exe datfile.  :-\

From own experience with Falcon I can say if you are not hooked, leave it.
The amount of time needed after a few months makes you wonder if it is all worth it. Counts for both learning the systems and campaign engine etc.
Jumping in for a flight is easy, also landing, but usually you won't stop there and that's where the mess starts with me e.g. spending 2-3 months learning the basics, and far more for the rest, pretending "yeah, I could fly an F-16." Sure... :P
A sim NEVER makes you a pilot IMHO...best gives you a feel for it.



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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2014, 05:43:25 PM »

I really like Falcon 4.0, recently with FreeFalcon, and now BMS.  But with a couple of active pre-teen boys I've never found enough time to more than barely scratch the surface.  I'll keep 'em both on my hard drive though.  I have an original, patched LOMAC too.

Luckily there's Strike Fighters 2 for scratching that quick flight-sim fast-jet itch.  SF2 has 'quick and easy fun' absolutely nailed - so much so that I try to bring SF2 concepts into my IL-2 installs - mission design for example, and fewer mods.  (Actually, there's millions of SF2 mods, but I like my SF2 unmodded for the simplicity).

Since BMS is virtually free, I think every flight simmer owes it to himself to have a copy on their hard drive.  And I've never regretted the money I've spend on SF2 either.   :)

That's me, fangin' around in a FreeFalcon Viper!

SF2 A-4K Skyhawk DLC

 :) :)


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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2014, 05:59:51 PM »

Wow, immediately recognized the FF Viper. ;D Spent from 09 to '12 on the FF team.

Cool shots, regret I never tried Strike Fighters, I like classic jets.
What I liked most about BMS is that soon some planes will get dedicated cockpits and new stuff, e.g. F-104, Tornado etc.
What I like about IL-2 is it combines some elements I like most: Possible realistic FMs, rest easy fun access, great, almost meditative new landscapes and maps.

Add me a few classic jets and I am all happy for my IL-2 fun toys.
What I dislike about BMS sometimes is that these chaps take it toooo serious.


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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2014, 06:10:34 PM »

BTW KiwiBiggles,
just watch a Strike Fighters video.. :)..that looks liek fun, back when i flew FF and LoMac, it sure would have been a cool addition.



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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2014, 06:20:08 PM »

Nice vid.  :)

My perfect flight sim is SF2; with BMS FM and clickable cockpit; and IL-2 content, terrain & FMB.   :-* :-* :-*

I like a lot of what I see about DCS, but my 'puter is too puny.  :-[


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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2014, 06:32:56 PM »

I also have a similar fictional sim wet dream:
BMS' FM apporach in one of the IL-2 mods, our modded IL-2 terrain but HDR lighting...that would be it for me.

Also have my rig struggling with DCS...but since you fly BMS, I think there are some nice updates coming.

Back in the day I liked Comanche 4 a LOT.
So much fun and eye candy 10 years ago. ;D

Nothing beats modded IL-2.. ;D



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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2014, 06:03:55 AM »

Some more from latest posted ones



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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2014, 10:28:28 AM »

I recently fired up BMS after some down time following the latest update (7) which porked HardDeck's popular X52Pro profile (at least with my CH pedals).  However, someone released a new X52Pro profile recently with similar setup and it works great!  Installed the Battle for Balkans and Israeli theaters along with a SweetFX flavoring and Falcon never flew soooo good! 

Great to see this old sim remain alive and well too after so long a tenure.  I originally started on Falcon AF retail and flew though all revelations since, and now settled with BMS. 



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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2014, 05:29:14 AM »

I recently fired up BMS after some down time following the latest update (7) which porked HardDeck's popular X52Pro profile (at least with my CH pedals).  However, someone released a new X52Pro profile recently with similar setup and it works great!  Installed the Battle for Balkans and Israeli theaters along with a SweetFX flavoring and Falcon never flew soooo good! 

Great to see this old sim remain alive and well too after so long a tenure.  I originally started on Falcon AF retail and flew though all revelations since, and now settled with BMS. 


 Howdy wind, I am partially disappointed the old FreeFalcon site had to be given up since that was also a fun team. E.g. we worked for at least 2 years on the FF Israel theatre (I was only a tester and made the skyfix for ITO2)...whatever, point is, after years of development and much testing, finally ITO2 was released for FreeFalcon and almost the same week BMS came out and tons of fans migrated.
Nevertheless BMS has some kickass features. Only its ambient still is 16 year old Falcon 4  based and that can hardly be nailed down.
But it sure is fun, but I would have more fun having one fully blown 60s lightweight fighter from the USAF arsenal in IL-2..becuase IL-2 is my fav environment. :D


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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2014, 07:47:28 AM »

Yea, I spent much time in the old FF and RedViper though I believe the move to support multiple aircraft actually in the long run may have been part of the drop (other than RL commitments of core team members).  As noted, once BMS was released, that set a whole new Falcon bar and has held the ground since.  I also like that BMS has remained core to the high fidelity of the f-16 only.

I no longer have FF installed though still have AF.  I spent so much time updating models and purchasing payware pits in my AF install that I am reluctant to uninstall even though I never fly it since BMS.  One thing I also liked in AF that other flavors never figured out was dynamic weather.  However, the flatness of AF still keeps it idle compared to the richness of BMS and now with additional well done theaters such as Battle of Balkans, and Israeli .99, things are looking up!



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Re: Some of my recent Falcon BMS432 screens
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2014, 01:25:01 PM »

Wind, BMS has dynamical weather when you go into the advanced weather options you can enable quite some surpises..but I think not dynamical in the way Allied Force had it with randomly changing weather per se.

Yet the results are similar, only you will not have sections with comletely different weather like in AF where you could fly into a weather zone and come out when flying back.
Yet with clever mission timing, you can arrange something similar. :P


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