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Author Topic: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2  (Read 26354 times)

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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2014, 10:40:52 AM »

Wow, did any of you guess that the whole CASA 2111 dev team took a shot with their new bird?  ??? Yes, every single one.

I love the pic HA, have you ever seen such a motley crew of scoundrels, would you trust them with your airplane. 8)

Guy, you do not look half as sexy in the flesh as your avatar would have us believe.  :D

Just a little info for those who may not have come across this aircraft before:

'The CASA 2.111 was a medium bomber derived from the Heinkel He 111 and produced in Spain under license by Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A.. The C2.111 models differed significantly in details from Heinkel's wartime He 111H design while using essentially the same exact airframe in appearance, featuring heavier armament and eventually Rolls-Royce Merlin engines. The first Spanish built aircraft flew on 23 May 1945. Following the end of the war, access to the German-built Junkers engines was impossible so, and CASA found an alternative with the Rolls-Royce Merlin 500. In 1953, 173 Merlin engines were ordered. The newly Merlin-powered bombers and reconnaissance bombers became the 2.111B and 2.111D, respectively; some were re-engined, while others were built new. A nine-passenger transport, the 2.111T8, was also developed and produced. C2.111 aircraft served into the late 1960s and, in the case of the transports, early 1970s. Many of the aircraft retired in the 1960s found second lives in films such as Battle of Britain and Patton.'

'The CASA 2.111 was a twin engine aircraft used for many roles in Spain after WWII. The first CASA 2111 was built not with the Merlin´s we all love but with the same old Junkers 211F engines used in the He-111H. The very first variant of the CASA 2.111´s produced were built with the Junkers engines.

Later versions incorporated the Merlin 500-29 engine (Same as the Hispano Aviación 1112 M1L) and were pushed into many roles, such as Recon, Search and Rescue, bombing, and Cargo, Paratroop, and VIP transports. In fact, the CASA 2.111E transport version was at one time the personal transport of Francisco Franco, the dictator of Spain.

The cockpit was the same as the He-111 in it´s SAR, Bomber, and Recon roles but the Transport and Trainer versions (2.111E transport and 2.111F trainer).

There were six variants-

2.111A-Identical to He-111H-16 with Jumo 2111 engines

2.111C-Recon version with Jumo engines

2.111F-Two control trainer

2.111B-Bomber with the Merlin 500-29 engines

2.111D-Recon with Merlin engines

2.111E-Transport version of Passengers and sometimes cargo'

'Manufacturer: Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A., Tablada/Spain.
Crew: 5, Speed: 440 km/h at 4500 m, Range: 1950 km, Ceiling: 7800 m.
Power plant: 2 x Rolls-Royce Merlin 500-29 V-12 liquid cooled engines.
Power rating: 2 x 1176 kW.
Maximum bomb load 3250 kg.'

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2014, 12:20:29 PM »

Very nice Info Pete, Thanks You.
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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2014, 03:01:37 PM »

Well thank you Pete, there are some things in there that I thought were quite interesting. Great job.  :)
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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2014, 03:28:49 PM »

Things to do:  Remove if needs be the Jato packs from the aircraft as I have no record of the Spanish aircraft using them, they have been left in place for now just in case they were actually used in Spain. ;)

   There is no record of JATO used in Spain. It has never been used practically and there is no photographic evidence anywhere that it was used so....... there probably was not much chance that it was used in the first place.
 Also, my grandfather flew many hours in the CASA 2111 and has never said anything about JATO.  It would be an economic drag to shorten takeoff instead of just using the whole runway since the Spanish economy was the size of a gnat at this time (1950´s).

But it can be on there for fun, if you like  ;D

The bomb load reflects two loadouts suggested by Hotel Alpha in a thread on this aircraft and the FM uses the emd of the late Spits as does the HA-1112-M1L Buchon.

 Yes, 28 SC50 and 8 SC250 are correct, unless stated otherwise

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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2014, 05:51:51 PM »

Oh, and on a final note- I think the FM is correct, with the Merlin 500 they were much faster and agile than their Junkers JuMo 211 counterparts.

 I have flown many Heinkels, I have every single mod for it and have flown it more than any other aircraft, IMHO. As a matter of fact, the first plane I flew in Il-2 was the He-111H-2!  :) 

   My flight report is that it accelerates much more quickly than the He-111H-16 and that it is much, much faster. It can also pitch very well, and if you do it right, you can do a loop without pulling the control handle that much.  It is also very forgiving and can take some good aerobatics but I got into a flat spin when maneuvering it at low speed (100-200 Km/H). At takeoff, it makes a considerable amount of torque, and it is somewhat uncontrollable. This could be since the JuMo 211 was an inverted V engine and the Merlin was upright V. And I think that the torque is an unwanted side effect of the mod that is actually historically accurate. Here´s why-

      Jumo 211 is inverted, Merlin is not. Also, the power of the merlin is much greater so it overpowers the Jumo torque even more.

   The He was designed for inverted, in the tail, and aerodynamic features were integrated in the tail to ease torque. The merlin screwed the theory up and torque was much worse. But the Spanish could not do much about it, since they would have to redesign some parts of the aircraft, which could take years.....

The same happened to the Buchón (HA 1112)... Messerschmitt designed the tail to counteract torque of the inverted V12 Daimler Benz on the Bf-109. But Hispano Aviación could only use the Merlin and it was upright, so it created an opposite effect-The plane had a uncontrollable torue at low speed. This caused many accidents to civil pilots since they did not really know about the problem anyways.

  Anyways, the CASA has superseded my expectation!  8)

  This FM is legitamate. Another big "Thank you" to Pete, you made my dream come true. And its accurate too.  :D
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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2014, 06:13:54 PM »

Nice info,Pete and Hotel. LOL about the pic on page 1. :D

Good job Pete, will test the DBW version.


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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2014, 09:06:43 PM »

What was the strategy to use these in contemporary 1960s war? I know Spain didn't join NATO until 1982, but would Spain have stayed neutral against Communist aggression in Central Europe? I guess that's two questions. I read about their level-bombing CAS in Morocco during the 1950s.

Perhaps they would have operated in the ASW role in a Hot War scenario?


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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2014, 10:22:12 PM »

What was the strategy to use these in contemporary 1960s war? I know Spain didn't join NATO until 1982, but would Spain have stayed neutral against Communist aggression in Central Europe? I guess that's two questions. I read about their level-bombing CAS in Morocco during the 1950s.

Perhaps they would have operated in the ASW role in a Hot War scenario?

 Well, as I said before, Spain´s economy was the size of a gnat during Franco´s rule. The economy was very far behind and they simply did not want to risk political flames with the Soviets, who could easily sap Spain of everything. It was kind of like, "Play it safe".
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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2014, 02:39:34 AM »

Hello Hotel Alpha, I am glad the CASA is up to your expectations, sadly I cannot actually claim credit for that. ;)

I tried various engines from the Merlin stable, but what I had was the aircraft getting airborne and then gradually sinking to earth until it crashed.  The elevators were in the full up position, it was as if the AI pilot was struggling to keep the nose up, to no avail. :'(

I remembered the Ha-112 and wondered what powerplant had been used in that mod aircraft so I cracked open the FM file to see, it turned out to be the engine for late Spits as we do not actually have a 500 series engine in the game.  I applied that and the performance of the aircraft is what you have now, the only thing I changed in the fmd for the aircraft was to alter the crew to five, everything else is as per original He-111H-16.  Nothing was altered in the emd file for the engine so you can thank the team who put together the Buchon for the performance of the CASA 2.111, it was nothing to do with me, just lucky for once. 8)

I have now put together a 410 version which is in beta test behind the scenes, Bravo has given her the all clear and mine appears fine so hopefully soon I can add the link. ;)

I will have a look at the jato packs once that version is released, no real hurry, they may actually be masking any problems with the chosen engine and as I do not yet feel up to messing around with the parameters in the emd file it is a case of do not fix what is not broke. :D

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2014, 05:09:06 AM »

I have now put together a 410 version which is in beta test behind the scenes, Bravo has given her the all clear and mine appears fine so hopefully soon I can add the link. ;)

Glad to read this! Thanks again  :)


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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2014, 07:10:34 AM »

Link is now in the first post nonaiansia. ;)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: CASA 2.111 "Pedro" now with own slot and FM for 4.12.2
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2014, 01:01:54 PM »

In 4.10 Spanish skies  ;D

Once again many thanks Pete and all involved
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