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Author Topic: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2  (Read 32276 times)

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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available
« Reply #48 on: April 08, 2014, 04:52:16 PM »

Got it working finally in 4.12.2 and HSFX 7.02, and loading as a JSGME mod.

Followed all the steps outlined by Boelecke, HSFX FM's etc and still the dreaded 'beep'

In desperation, I added the DGEN.exe application and the Dgen_mod config file INSIDE the Westfront Folder located in the JSGME folder , and blow me down, it worked!

All updated with latest skins and bits , I know at one point after I updated the skins and FM's , I also copied over the previous DGEN.exe with a duplicate just in case.

Anyway, it works :) Thank you Boelcke. So now it's just me and a few stout fellows versus the might of the Luftwaffe...

I do notice however, it gets jolly twitchy about adding other mods to the mix. So at the moment, I'm just running HSFX 7.02 , Westfront and the 'anti-sniper gunners' mod , and trial and error other mods, as it tends to get stuck at the 100% mark in game, just before a flight if I try anything too exotic :(

Like trying to get a Open Hurricane Canopy mod to work :( :(


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available
« Reply #49 on: April 09, 2014, 04:59:19 AM »

dgen campaigns installed with JSGME isn´t a good idea and useless; it´s better to backup your DGEN folder and then install all the files with copy them into the DGEN folder - if something has gone wrong you are always able to start from scratch


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available
« Reply #50 on: April 09, 2014, 08:07:08 AM »

Hi Boelcke,

Dgen folder was backed up prior to my Frankeninstall :)

It still works too.


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available
« Reply #51 on: April 12, 2014, 02:24:39 AM »

update to Part 2, check post #1


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2
« Reply #52 on: April 12, 2014, 06:25:22 AM »

Thank you a lot Boelcke! I think I'm gonna thunderbolding all the weekend because of you.  8)
All your campaigns are just too much fun and great work, and together with Juri's and Greybeard's ones, and the eastern dgen update by Piepmatz, I'm able to make some dgen campaigns I dreamed about since I'm playing Il2.
Tally ho!

PS: Had to install the DRKCircus map, as it wasn't inside my HSFX version. But a quit search here did the trick. I have now some new campaigns on a new map to test. Scramble. :)


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2
« Reply #53 on: April 12, 2014, 08:11:12 AM »

Thank you a lot Boelcke! I think I'm gonna thunderbolding all the weekend because of you.  8)
All your campaigns are just too much fun and great work, and together with Juri's and Greybeard's ones, and the eastern dgen update by Piepmatz, I'm able to make some dgen campaigns I dreamed about since I'm playing Il2.
Tally ho!

PS: Had to install the DRKCircus map, as it wasn't inside my HSFX version. But a quit search here did the trick. I have now some new campaigns on a new map to test. Scramble. :)

thx man, the DRK_Circus map has come with the 7.02 update to the HSFX pack


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2
« Reply #54 on: April 12, 2014, 10:19:58 AM »

Oh, yes. I've got 2 installs of hsfx7, one still in 4.01, "offline dedicated with some more mods", and one 4.02 "online dedicated no more mods". Before installing the map, I checked my 4.02 but didn't look very carefully. Rechecking now, I see the map.
Anyway, just flew two missions, usaaf P47, january 43. First mission was a Bostons escort near St Lo. Almost over the target, we spotted 2 ennemy contacts. Climbing to the foes, I was lightly hitted by some light weapons. Checking everything and anything, I saw in my 5 o clock a Bf109 in a very ending vertical climb. I took some distance, then turned back and attacked him. When about to fire... was badly hit by some huge canon fire. I guess a FW. My hud full of holes and wounded, right wing damaged (with a smole part missing at the end), I dived to North, crossing the french Channel shore around 1500 ft high. Fortunately, the ennemy lost me, so I began the looooong way home. After a few time, my view was darker and darker. And I was gently begining to be unable to fly my plane strait on. Moreover, the night was coming. But finaly, english coast was in my blooded sigh. I jumped from my plane, that crashed into a forest. Me, landed in a farm garden. And was sent to hospital untill september, 1943.
Second mission was better, as I shoted down one FW and something like a Me 2 or 410.
Very good fun.


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2
« Reply #55 on: April 12, 2014, 11:31:35 AM »

Sounds cool, i love such after action reports ... if someone has shot down an ace please report i always wondered if this feature realy works with Asuras dgen mod

@Baffrah, there are also other planes than the P47 included for happy ground pounding  ;)



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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2
« Reply #56 on: April 13, 2014, 01:45:59 AM »

Here you will find some more tips how to add usefull stuff to your HSFX 7 mod pack:




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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2
« Reply #57 on: April 13, 2014, 05:15:18 AM »

Thank you for the links Boelcke. I remember the Gurner FX mod, I think I get it in one of my old installs (DBW+TFM?). But I'm afraid my old computer will not be able to sustain it without some lags, as there are bigger maps, and many more planes (and probably ground objects also) involved in DGen moded campaigns than before. But I'll test it, just to see. I guess I'll finaly have to update my 4.01 version to 4.02 - fingers crossed!
I tried a "Typhoon" campaign during Overloard yesterday, together with my P47 fighter one. Was blown out from the sky by a FW on the very first mission, trying to fire those rockets on such littles tanks. Very hard campaign it seems.
I've only 2 or 3 mods added to HSFX, including the old "Wolfighter gore for all planes" I finaly managed to get working in HSFX (had to do a little change into the JSMGE path).
BUT... one think I never managed to properly install... is... the Il2 Mat Manager. Seems that the changes I made are never taken into account, dispite the fact that my install seems to be good - I mean, it's the good Il2 running when I launch it from Mat Manager for testing, and there are some files loaded and edited when I quit MatManager. I'm fed up to see those ugly squadron markings on german planes. If you got some tips about that... :)
About the aces: I've already had some aar stating that "ace xxx" was lost in combat/captured, I think in one of your MTO campaigns, even if I never managed to see one of them by eyes during the flight (but I guess every aces included don't have a proper skin each). I'll tell you if I see more of it.
Have a nice Sunday, and thanks again  :-*


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2
« Reply #58 on: April 13, 2014, 09:23:49 AM »

Ok, updated to 4.02 and tried the Gurner Effects. No performance loss, and beautifull explosions (even the feeling to have better ground textures, but not sure about). Neat! Anyway, funny how it's almost enjoyment to tweak Il2 than playing it.
On my second mission of today, escorting some Mosquito's to France. Were bounced by 4 FW, still above english waters. One of them on my six, tried to dive and gain some speed... Nope. Hitted, P47 out of control, I jumped. The FW that got me was killed by one of my mate. The debriefing stated: "Our intelligence repports that famous ace Adolf Glunz was killed". So I guess the function is working, huh? (even if, after googeling him, I saw that he flew for JG26, and "mine" got the JG2 "R" marking on his plane).


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Re: Westfront campaign with BoB part available - update to part 2
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2014, 12:46:33 AM »

Thx for reporting Baffrah,

if you think the missions are to hard please tell me which parts and nations of the campaign you are flying, i will add part 3 in the future to the campaign and with this last update i´m able to correct it - but part 3 will be in the future, not yet, i badly need a break from campaign building now.

Concerning the markings, i´m using Mat Manager since years (i think it´s 10 years ago ...), here is Leigh´s home page with a guide for configuration Mat Manager and explanations:


I highly recommend the use of Mat Manager, my generic skins are made with units insignias only for use with Mat Manager with which you are able to abadon the ugly game insgnias.

btw, i will check if i have assigned poor Adi Glunz to the wrong unit :)

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