I ran into some weird problem. I started my US Campaign at Normandy with 352nd squadron flying p51. Everything went fine initially until I progressed into the last subcampaign, Netherland, Market Garden. First mission of that subcampaign is to escort some p47 to attack german airbase. However at the start of the mission this happens. And then the mission crashed.

I checked the log file. This is what the log file says:
[04.07.2014 13:07:25] Mission: campaign/us/DGen_Boe22_ChannelDDay_USchen0/19440916-0.mis is Playing
13:46:12 Mission BEGIN
13:46:12 9AF_354FG_355FS100 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
13:46:30 Mission END
I vaguely remember someone said before it may have been caused by discrepancy in weapon loadout files. This is what I have in my arnheimplanes file:
Allies USA Fighter P_47D10 350 6000 6000 overload 1
Allies USA FBomber P_47D10 350 3000 500 2x500 1
Allies USA aSoft P_47D10 350 3000 500 1x10006x45 1
Allies USA aTank P_47D10 350 3000 500 1x10006x45 1
Allies USA aShip P_47D10 350 3000 500 1x10006x45 1
Allies USA aHeavy P_47D10 350 3000 500 1x1000 1
I also checked the mission file:
Planes 3
Skill0 2
skin0 P47_olive_invasion.bmp
Skill1 1
skin1 P47_olive_invasion.bmp
Skill2 1
skin2 P47_olive_invasion.bmp
Class air.P_47D10
Fuel 70
weapons 2x500
TAKEOFF 328944.34 157823.53 0.00 0.00 &0
NORMFLY 332807.13 158862.20 300.00 180.00 &0
NORMFLY 333116.64 168170.16 1000.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 337140.28 289173.61 2500.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 340555.78 294561.94 2500.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 343971.27 299950.28 2400.00 350.00 &0
GATTACK 349325.01 308396.43 500.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 353962.72 299536.88 1200.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 348243.25 296658.04 1700.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 342523.78 293779.20 2200.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 332480.63 294146.67 2500.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 324319.23 166249.29 2500.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 323691.40 156411.06 700.00 350.00 &0
LANDING 327554.19 157449.73 0.00 0.00 &0
Everything seems normal. Can anyone tell me what happened here?